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Jongho Yeosang 3rd Person

"Sangie, it's just a movie."

Yeosang's response was just to move closer to Jongho. They were currently watching a horror film as the older thought he would be used as emotional support during the movie. It turned out out being the other way around, since Jongho was completely unfazed by anything happening on the screen. Well, someone had to be the brave one.

"Right, but it's a scary movie. Whatever, just let me be" Yeosang finally spoke and despite sounding kind of annoyed, he still reached for Jongho's hand, trying to convince himself it was only because he was scared of the movie and not because he was looking for an excuse to have some kind of physical contact with the younger.

"Yeosang, you know you can just put your head on my lap, right? You'd be way more comfortable, just letting you know." Jongho seemed to have noticed how the other boy was constantly changing his position so he figured it wouldn't be such a bad idea to just let him get more comfortable, especially since he didn't mind it himself.

The brown haired boy just kind of moved his head to Jongho's lap without saying a single word, which caused the latter to let out a small chuckle.

He truly found Yeosang adorable and at times he wondered if the older might consider him that too. He knew he denied that dating request but now he was honestly starting to regret it, though he wasn't one to get into a relationship without getting to know someone first. Something was telling him that if he agreed to the dating part back then, it wouldn't have worked out. It couldn't have because at the time there was nothing between them. They didn't know each other, didn't care about each other until one day when everything changed. It sounded cliche but that's what it was like.

Jongho started focusing on the movie again since he kind of zoned out. This wasn't unusual these days for him anyways. He also found himself put his hand in Yeosang's fluffy hair and starting to slowly massage his head. At first he didn't really get a reaction but at some point, he heard quiet hums coming from the older. When he looked over at Yeosang, he noticed how the he had his eye closed, a small smile on his lips.

It was moments like this when Jongho truly found himself happy. They didn't have any cameras on around them. Everything was between them and them only. Their clothes weren't anything special either, just some hoodies and sweatpants but it really didn't matter. The raven haired would've never guessed how much he'd start to like the older despite the amount of time he knew him for. It wasn't long enough for him to even consider his feelings a crush but at the same time, something was telling him to just accept how he felt. It couldn't have been that wrong, right?


It was now the morning and Jongho woke up with some major back pain but couldn't find the reason for it at first. That is, before he opened his eyes. But when he did, he saw the prettiest sight he possibly could've.

Yeosang was lying on Jongho's chest, still very much asleep. He was holding onto the younger's hoodie like his life depended on it and for some reason, it was weirdly adorable to Jongho. He just casually ruffled Yeosang's hair, trying not to wake him up but his plan didn't really work, and he soon saw the brunette's beautiful eyes flutter open.

"Good morning baby... Have you slept well? Wait I don't think you have, since you slept on the couch..." Yeosang looked over at Jongho with a small embarrassed smile and oh boy, did Jongho just want to kiss it off his lips. He'd never admit to it though.

locker | jongsangOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora