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Shuichi POV

I haven't heard of Rantaro ever since the day I pinned my crush to a wall. I wonder what happened to him.

"OH MY GOD" Tsumugi laughs hysterically along with Kaede. "What happened?" I asked. They stopped for a while before laughing again.
"You wouldn't believe this!" Kaede exclaimed between laughs.

I simply tilt my head.
"Avocado just got bitch kicked at his balls" suddenly I felt like I want to laugh. I tried holding it back but failed.
I wonder who did it?
Who am I kidding? No doubt Kokichi did it.

"Oi you flirting detective!" Kokichi yelled blushing.
"W-what?" I stuttered. Am I going to turn out like my poor friend? I hope not.
"Don't take advices from them" he points at the two girls who was finally gaining composure after laughing.

"I don't want you to turn out like those creepy people. Flirting all the time" he rolls his eyes. I don't want to be hated by him so eventually I'll stop. But I'd complimenting considered as flirting? If I say he's cute is that- you know what nvm..

"I'm off" I wave at them before leaving school. I'm going to meet my uncle. Again. The old guy's always at work. Being a detective sucks but it's also amazing at the same time. Kyoko Kirigi inspired me to be one. Shes always so elegant. Unlike my uncle who's going to the bar and often goes home drunk.

I sigh.
He's probably drunk when I get home isn't he?

Kaede POV

"I want to go shopping tomorrow. I mean, some of my skirts is too short"
Tsumugi beamed.
"I'm going to buy some fabric for cosplay material. Let's go shopping together!" I nod. I look at Kokichi who was drawing. I look a bit closer at what he was drawing and my eyes widens and I started fangaying.

He was drawing SHUICHI SAIHARA. Tsumugi looks at his drawing and started fangaying with me. He notices that and quickly hides his artwork underneath the table while blushing.
I smirk.

"So you like Shuichi" he blushed and puffs out his cheeks.
"S-so what if I do? He probably doesn't like me anyway"
"Doesn't flirting with someone means they like you?" Tsumugi faked wondered.

"Yeah he totally likes you!"
"I don't believe you" he mumbles.
"You should! I'm best friends with him and like, he told me a thousand times he liked you" even though I was lying with how many he told me.
"But I'm totally not confessing"
"Yeah yeah"I roll my eyes while smirking. Tsumugi started squeeling again.

Time to make my ship sail.

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