Chapter 11 ( Broke up+back together)

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After all that, garou went hero hunting againnn but i stopped him. "Can you please! Rest for a while, you know that i always heal you for a reason!!" i said to his face, his eyes widen then his face turned to an anger face. "SO WHAT HUH!? YOU KNOW THAT IS MY JOB!" He screamed back.

"WELL I DONT CARE NOW, YOU HURT YOURSELF MANY TIMES AND I HAVE TO HEAL IT MANY TIMES" I screamed back, "YOU KNOW WHAT?! WE ARE DONE!" garou screamed, "WELL FINE I DONT CARE ANYWAY" I said, he stormed out of my house and close my door harshly.

I fell to my knees and started crying "what have i done?" i whispered. And i ran to my room.

Garou POV

After i'm out from y/n's house, i got into the woods and sobs "what have i done....?" i said then i cried a little. I finished my crying and lay on a near tree.

3 weeks later


I became depressed, my eyes are red from crying much, i didnt eat much but my brother always came to my room and tries to convince me to eat but i always refused.

Garou POV

I just ate apple for a week, well i pick some apple from an apple tree, and i didnt fight hero much. I became weak, "i have to get back to her" i said weakly.

I stood up and walked around a bit and see genos...


My brother left, i eat a little, "i have to get back to him" i said, i walked to the bathroom to cleaned myself. Then i use some black hoodie and a training pants. I walked around the forest "*sigh* i finally breath some fresh air, but i have to find him" i said, i walked a bit faster then i saw a faint garou laying on the ground, he looked weak.

I ran up to him but i stopped cause i saw genos is gonna shot him, i pick up a medium size rock and ran to him, then i hit him with the rock and kick him, "GO AWAY GENOS!!" I screamed to him, he fall a bit far and his eyes widen. I looked at garou and sit next to him and started shake him softly "Wake up...WAKE UP GAROU!!, DONT LEAVE ME, I'M SORRY I SCREAMED AT YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, PLEASE WAKE UP" I said then i cried in his chest.

I felt a hand on my back and i looked at his face with a teary eyes "d-dont worry y/n, i'm not gonna leave you" he said weakly. I helped him sit up and lean him on a tree. I grab my bagpack and take out some bottle of water and give it to him "drink" i said, "no thanks y/n its yours i'm not gonna drink it" he said, "just drink it i'm not thirsty but you are!" i said. "Hehe really?" he said then he drink the water.

I smiled softly and wraped some bandages on his scar and bruises. He gave me the bottle and i put in my bag, then i looked sad "look garou, i'm sorry that i screamed at you in the firts place can you forgive me?" i said, he smiled and hug me, "i'm sorry to, and will you be my girlfriend...again?" he said, "of course garou, i'd love to!" then i hugged him back.

Le time skip~

I helped garou to my house then i lay him on the sofa for a while, "wait here garou i'll get some food" i said, "you dont need to do that, i'm fine after drinking your water" he said, "i'm still gonna get you some food!" i said then i walked to the kitchen and heated some soup that my brother make.

I pour it in a bowl and grab a glass of water and put it on a tray, i bought the tray and walked back to garou, i put the food and drink in the table and let him drink the soup while i drink my water, he thanked me and he started grab the tray and goes to the kitchen without i'm noticing cause i'm to tired, and i sleep in the sofa.

Author POV

Y/n on the sofa and garou walked back to the living room then looked at her 'oh, i miss her beautiful face, beautiful smile and everything' garou said in his thought, he pick y/n bridal style and put her in her bed, and sleep next to her.

A/n well thats all i got, hehe i wish you enjoy it! Bye reader-chan~

Author/AlexKiller Out!

Words count: 802

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