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Mark and Yugyeom were no longer innocent.

Well, in a way, they still were. But they've learned a lot more than they used to know, and still had a lot left to explore. So maybe instead of innocent, they were now inexperienced. And there's a whole lot of things the other five guys wanted to teach them.

After a few weeks of just sex; literally every night Yugyeom and Mark were getting plowed into the mattress of whoever was feeling horny that night; things got a bit.... boring.

Not for Yugyeom and Mark, they were still experiencing the wonderful thrill and pleasure of being touched in all the right places and whatnot. But among the others who quickly tired of the same vanilla sex every other night, a deep craving for something more grew within them. After getting used to the basic stuff, it should be okay to go even further, right?

Well, that's at least what Youngjae was thinking as he walked into the living room with everyone else present except Yugyeom, Mark, and Jaebum. He'd had enough of the same thing over and over again, he wanted something fun.

 "Hey, where's Jaebum?" he asked as he entered the room, needing their leader there to hear him voice his recent dissatisfaction.

"With Mark right now. And Yugyeom's sleeping, I think." Jinyoung reported.

Youngjae sighed, taking a seat on the love seat next to the couch the other three were on that surrounded the coffee table. "Well, I wanna complain."

"About?" BamBam inquired, half listening and half scrolling through his social media.

Youngjae leaned forward, unable to hold in his excitement at his own words. "Guys, let's spice things up."

"Jaebum said to wait." Jinyoung reminded him, immediately knowing what the younger was referring to.

The group had already talked about teaching more lessons to their innocent boys, but it was ultimately decided that they should hold off for a while. It wasn't that they didn't want to teach them more, but yet again, the issue of moving too fast and scaring them away was what continuously held them back.

Youngjae was fine with that, but after a few weeks of the same boring nights with Mark and Yugyeom, he wanted to make things more interesting and test their limits. "I know what Jaebum said, but we've waited long enough. They're used to vanilla sex by now. We should start introducing other things."

"Like what?" Jackson asked, him on the other hand intruded with the younger's idea.

"Mark has been constantly asking about kinks. He's upset that we promised to teach him and still haven't. Let's start there." Youngjae suggested, obviously glad he's gotten someone else on his side.

"Kinks? Really? Is there anything else less... I dunno, less advanced to start with?" BamBam mumbled.

Youngjae scoffed. Kinks were as basic as things could get in his mind. "Kinks aren't that advanced. We start simple: biting, choking, spanking-"

"That's a bit extreme for a first timer, don't you think?" Jinyoung interrupted.

Youngjae frowned, folding his arms over his chest. "That's basic stuff!"

"Okay then, how about toys?" Jackson threw out.

BamBam perked up, liking the sound of that better. "Oh yeah, toys aren't a bad place to start."

"Like what, cock rings?" Youngjae asked.

"Well, no. Simpler stuff. Nothing that might hurt or make them uncomfortable."  Jinyoung replied, shaking his head at Youngjae's lack of consideration for their friends' inexperience. "Look Youngjae, I know you're kinky and all, but remember they've never done that stuff, so let's start slow."

Youngjae scratched his chin, taking a long moment to think of something that wouldn't be too much to handle for a first timer. "So... vibrator?"

Finally, Jinyoung approved of the suggestion with the nod of his head. "That's good, Bam you have one right?"

"I have just about everything, you guys can borrow stuff if you want." BamBam replied.

Jackson clasped his hands, a grin spreading across his lips. "Alright, then vibrators, dildos, ass balls..."

"Ass balls?" Jinyoung repeated.

Jackson shrugged. "Y'know, balls for your ass?"

A long moment of silence passed between the four until BamBam finally interjected. "You mean, anal beads?"

"Whatever they are." Jackson replied, waving his hand at the correction.

"What about butt plugs?" Jinyoung added.

Youngjae bounced with glee, ecstatic that he could finally have some fun additions to their usual sex routine. "Aw that would be fun!"

BamBam's eyes suddenly widened as an idea hit him. "Oh, how about this! Let's start it off as a game, and the punishments are only sexual using toys!"

For a moment, the other three sat and absorbed the idea, their heads slowly nodding in approval of implementing the use of toys that way.

"Okay, but it has to be a game both Mark and Yugyeom absolutely suck at so they could never win." Jackson stated. The idea of making it a game sounded fun, but they couldn't have anyone lose and face the punishments aside from Yugyeom and Mark, the two main stars of the group.

"How about a game of luck then? Except we purposely play it so that Yugyeom and Mark happen to always be unlucky?" Jinyoung suggested.

At that BamBam gasped, another idea suddenly planting itself into his head. "I know the perfect game where they'd have no choice but to do it!"

"What is it?" Youngjae asked, leaning in along with everyone else who was now giddy with excitement.

BamBam smiled as he looked amongst the others' curious faces. "How about we play, Truth or Dare."


(*ah, the game of truth or dare that always seems to get sexual in fan fictions! Should be fun ;) . Finally the innocent series is back! I hope you guys are happy and excited lol. Sorry in advance for any writing errors or mistakes, I try to catch them all!*)

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