❀Kinks Lesson -Yugyeom❀

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"Alright, I have quite a few kinks, I'll do some with you and if you like it, then enjoy it. If not, tell me to stop." Jinyoung explained while digging through his closet, turning around to Yugyeom with a leather strap in his hand. "Sounds easy, right?"

Yugyeom swallowed hard, barely able to comprehend what Jinyoung might have in store for him. "I-I guess..."

"Okay, mind stripping for me while I pull out some more stuff?" Jinyoung asked, turning back to his closet in search of other items.

"Sure..." Yugyeom slowly undressed, getting completely naked and standing in the middle of the room. He watched Jinyoung pull out some more things he couldn't recognize except maybe a feather, which only confused the younger more.

Jinyoung turned back around, his eyes scanning Yugyeom's naked body from head to toe. He smiled at the sight. "Okay. Lay on the bed."

Yugyeom did as he was told, watching Jinyoung approach with the weird leather straps. Yugyeom tensed, not knowing what to expect from it. "Um, is all of this necessary?"

"Shh, you'll see." Jinyoung replied. He put his hand out, expecting to receive something. "Wrists."

Yugyeom put his wrists in Jinyoung's palm, a bit surprised when the elder started tying him up. His wrists were held together in a weird leather contraption that Jinyoung hooked to his headboard, trapping the younger's arms over his head.

Yugyeom was already testing his constraints, a bit worried about his lack of mobility. "Um, I c-can't move."

"That's the point sweetie. It's bondange." Jinyoung explained, his hand running down Yugyeom's waist while his eyes appreciated the view. "Should I do your legs too?"

"Can we just leave it at arms?" Yugyeom asked. He was already unsure of having his arms tied up, so he was afraid he'd freak out if he couldn't move his legs either.

Jinyoung respected the request, nodding at the younger's decision. "Okay, sure."

He went over to a drawer and retrieved some lube before returning to the bed. He took in the wonderful sight of Yugyeom's bare body over and over again, his heart pounding with anticipation to make a mess of it.

Now, where are you most sensitive?" Jinyoung mumbled as his hands explored the younger's body. His fingers lightly brushed up his chest to his neck, running his thumb lightly over the soft skin. "Your neck, if I remember correctly?"

Yugyeom whimpered out a confirmation, letting out shakier breaths the more Jinyoung touched him.

"How about your nipples?" Jinyoung asked, using his other hand to play with the perky pink nubs on the younger's chest.

Yugyeom's back arched up into the touch, his body shuddering with want in response to the light tugs of his nipples.

"Oh okay, that's great then." Jinyoung smiled, glancing down between Yugyeom's legs at his member that was almost fully hardened. Jinyoung picked up the feather from earlier, starting it at Yugyeom's pelvis and running it up his body. The younger sucked in a breath, his body squirming under the light touch. His member twitched when the feather circled around his nipples, his breathing growing heavier the longer he was teased.

Jinyoung liked riling him up beforehand, making sure he was leaking just from the foreplay. The sight of Yugyeom's flushed, lust filled face was to die for, making Jinyoung's own erection throb in his pants. He set the feather down to quickly move on, noticing the younger fidgeting with impatience when he'd stopped touching him for a brief moment.

"The others probably don't want me using this yet, but honestly I think it's so hot." Jinyoung mumbled as he picked up a ring looking item that was a bit too big to fit on a finger.

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