More to Come

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Mark quickly ran into the kitchen where the others were gathered for breakfast. "I just watched a ton of porn! I've got so many things I want to try!"

The elder was waving a piece of paper around that looked like it had a long list scribbled on it.

You watched porn this early in the morning?" Jinyoung questioned.

"And you wrote it all down?" Jackson added.

"I have to keep track of them somehow..." Mark replied as he handed the paper off to Jaebum. He took a seat at the table, a plate of food set in front of him by Jinyoung. "You guys said we could choose what we wanna try next right? Well yesterday we didn't get much of a chance to look at the porn, so I decided to look again today."

"If Youngjae hadn't been so horny we could've focused on actually watching the porn and teaching you about it yesterday..." Jackson complained, throwing a glare at the younger.

Youngjae scoffed at the accusation. "What, did you expect me not to get horny from porn?"

"We got five minutes in and your hand was already in Yugyeom's pants." BamBam mumbled.

Youngjae rolled his eyes, waving away BamBam's comment. "Watching porn together was just a bad idea. None of us lasted long at all."

"Mark this is an extensive list." Jaebum stated, ignoring the side conversation of the others. He handed the list off to Jinyoung who quickly read through each line. "Yugyeom was just telling us about what he wanted to try too, you guys have a few common interests."

"Can I see his list?" Yugyeom asked as he watched the paper get handed from one person to another.

Jackson now had the list; he didn't register Yugyeom's request as he was a bit shocked by some of the activities written on it. "Oh? Is that-"

"Mark you wanna try fisting!?" Youngjae, who was leaned over Jackson's shoulder reading the list as well, asked in total disbelief.

"Um... actually I forgot what that is and just left it on the list..." Mark answered, though his ears still burned red, embarrassed by it despite not knowing what it was.

"Oh I'll show you all about it." Jinyoung's brows wiggled as he winked at the elder.

"Jinyoung relax. Take it slow okay?" Jaebum snatched the paper away from the others, leaving BamBam and Yugyeom having to strain and squint to try and see what was written on it. "This is a good list to get started on."

"Technically, we have our own lists too." BamBam stated.

Yugyeom raised a brow as he looked amongst the others. "Really?" 

"I definitely have a few things I still wanna teach you two." Jackson nodded, eyes flickering between Mark and Yugyeom.

"Same here. And just a few innocent fantasies I wanna try." Youngjae added, an all but innocent smirk on his face.

"Then we should get started on it ASAP. I wanna do everything on your lists." Jinyoung stated.

Yugyeom looked over at Mark who blushed harder from the eye contact, the two giggling from the shared excitement of trying out new things with everyone.

"Mark, what is 'kneeling on top of someone's head'?" BamBam asked, pointing to where he read it on the list that he somehow snuck away from Jaebum.

Mark shrugged, scratching his chin as he tried to explain. "I dunno what it's called, but I saw someone kneel on someone's head and it looked kinda... fun I guess?"

It took the group a minute of thinking about it before Jaebum perked up with an idea of what it meant.

"Were they like, sitting on someone else's face?" he asked.

Mark's eyes brightened, nodding his head vigorously. "Yes! It was like that!"

"Oh I saw that too!" Yugyeom exclaimed.

"Y-You wanna try sitting on someone's face?" Jackson asked, trying his hardest not to drool at the thought of it as Mark confirmed with a nod. He stood up from his chair, leaving his plate of half eaten food. "Alright Mark, breakfast is over."

Mark frowned, stumbling out of his chair as Jackson grabbed him by the arm. "B-But I barely ate..."

"Jackson not now! At least finish breakfast!" Jinyoung scolded, though the elder didn't listen.

"I'm going to eat Mark's ass so I'll be full, thanks." Jackson waved as he and Mark disappeared down the hall, the sound of his room door closing echoing through the apartment.

"Well... I guess that gives you an idea of how eager we are to have fun with you two..." Jaebum stated while chuckling at Yugyeom's shocked expression.

"Well um... m-me and Mark are excited too..." Yugyeom stuttered, trying his hardest to pull his mind away from whatever Jackson and Mark were doing back there. "We're just glad we stopped the fighting. You guys did it a lot, and me and Mark just want to make everyone happy."

"Well Jackson is obviously very happy..." Youngjae mumbled.

"Yeah Gyeom, you two have made us all really happy. Hopefully we can continue this with no more problems, it's really fun." BamBam threw an arm around the younger, hugging him tight.

Jinyoung hummed in agreement, suddenly standing up from the table. "It's a ton of fun. Which is why I'm gonna steal him now before any of you get to him first."

BamBam watched in disbelief as Jinyoung snatched Yugyeom out of his chair, dragging the younger back to his room.

"Hey! You were just yelling at Jackson about that, hypocrite!" Youngjae retorted.

"I finished my breakfast already, it's time for brunch!" Jinyoung replied, an evil giggle escaping him as he dragged Yugyeom into his room and locked the door to ensure that they'd be uninterrupted.

"You guys are unbelievable..." Jaebum groaned, burying his face in his arms.

BamBam patted the leader on the back to calm him. "You're just mad you didn't get to them first. It's okay hyung, we'll just have to wait our turn."

"Well... at least Mark and Yugyeom seem happy, that's what matters most." Youngjae grumbled as he leaned back in his chair with a disappointed pout on his lips.

"Yeah, if they're not happy then we won't be happy, and none of this would work out." BamBam added.

Jaebum sat up, nodding in agreement. Even with how annoying everyone was, it was best that they were all on good terms with one another, or else things would fall apart. "Then lets try our best to not ruin it again, okay?"

The other two agreed; no one wanted to stop the relationships they all had with one another since they all enjoyed it, especially with Mark and Yugyeom. The two boys were definitely no longer as innocent as they used to be, and were quickly losing any bit of it that they had left. The others wanted to keep it that way, since the more impure the two grew, the more fun they could have all together.


(*I really wanted to make the title "More to Cum" HSHSHSHSH but I refrained!! Gotta behave myself XD*)

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