❀Bonus: Dinner Time❀

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(*I was debating about posting this but... fuck it. Someone said they wanted to know the JJP dinner story mentioned during Jinyoung and Youngjae's fight (In chapter 'Agreement' I think it was)... it was too tempting to ignore writing >_< enjoy this back story as a Valentines Day gift I guess XD*)

"Cut the onion."

"J-Jaebum I can't when you're f-fucking me-"

"Cut it Jinyoung."

Jinyoung, with his torso bent over the granite kitchen counter and Jaebum's member sliding deep into him and slowly pulling out just to repeat the motion, leaving his body in a needy state of uncontrollable shuddering, tightly gripped a knife in his right hand and a half cut onion in his left. He used the remaining upper arm strength he had to hoist his upper half up enough to see what he was doing, sloppily slicing the onion that's fumes mixed with Jaebum's agonizingly slow thrusts made him tear up.

"Fuck, Jaebum please..." Jinyoung whimpered out, setting the knife down briefly with his clammy fingers still curled around it's wooden handle, the fear of turning the blade the wrong way and chopping off a finger hanging in the back of his mind while the rest of his brain was focused on the slick slide of Jaebum against his clenching walls.

Jaebum hummed in response, tugging gently, but hard enough on Jinyoung's hair to make him fully stand up, turning his head so he could kiss the drooling younger. "We gotta eat baby, you gonna finish up or what?"

"I-I wanted to make fried rice to go along with the other food b-but it's dangerous to cook it while we're doing this..." Jinyoung muttered against Jaebum's lips, his voice shaky as Jaebum nestled himself deep into his hole.

"Oh no I think you can do it. You've already cut up the other things, now just put it in the pan." Jaebum pointed, directing Jinyoung's attention to the other vegetables and already boiled rice that had been prepared before Jaebum showed up and ruined the younger's cooking groove.

"But-" Jinyoung choked before he could finish his protest; Jaebum had found that perfect spot, the place that had his member spitting precum and making a mess all along the tiled floor. Jinyoung slung his head back against Jaebum's shoulder, rocking on his toes to desperately feel the intense wave of pleasure again. "Shit, right there-"

"There?" Jaebum repeated, pushing his hips further while his hand slid up Jinyoung's exposed neck, indulging in soft squeezes while the younger gasped in ecstasy.

"Yes!" The other male responded, back arched while more tears slid down his cheeks; it was unspecified if they stemmed from the strong onion or the overwhelming pleasure tearing through his nervous system-- Jaebum liked to think it was the latter when taking into consideration the unrestrained sobs that escaped Jinyoung's throat. "Please just fuck me, please, I c-can't do it..."

"I'll fuck you until dinner is done. I'll be hungry after I cum in you, so I'd like some warm food to eat." The request was a bit far fetched, Jaebum did briefly take into consideration Jinyoung's safety before demanding that such a task be done while in the midst of fucking, but he figured as long as he was careful and allowed Jinyoung a moment to gather himself and pay attention to what he was doing, it should probably turn out fine. Jinyoung was already an ultra careful person by nature, it shouldn't be that hard. "Go ahead baby, you've done so well this far."

Jinyoung whined, his hazy vision falling down to the counter full of ingredients. The pan had already been set up with a bit of oil and heated on the stove just next to the counter that held all the diced ingredients that needed to be dumped in there. Jaebum's shallow thrusts stilled for the moment, his member resting inside Jinyoung as the latter put all the prepared ingredients in the pan; starting from the vegetables, to the rice and eggs, to even the soy sauce for flavor. At that point it was just cock-warming while Jinyoung cooked, but the small shifts of Jaebum's body following his own and his member slipping and sliding occasionally in the wetness back there served as a constant reminder that any moment Jaebum could wreck him with no mercy.

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