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Idk if anyone still cares, but I decided to do it.

One last Innocent book to complete the series. 

Tie up all loose ends.

Clear up any tangled relationships and start new drama.

*Hopefully* more sexy time between the members.

Longer chapters, and if not that then definitely way more chapters.

Not cutting it short like I did this for the sequal; it will end when I feel that everything is properly wrapped up.

And a proper ending to this series since I just can't leave it with Impure being the last book.

And... our innocent MarkGyeom becoming two sinful little devils ;D

 our innocent MarkGyeom becoming two sinful little devils ;D

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After the response I got from posting those last two bonus chapters, I just needed to continue this; not only because it was requested, but also because I personally feel like it's unfinished.

Like I said, I wanna give this; my most popular series; a deserving ending for all the people who sacrificed time to read it.


Coming (very) Soon
(Or it's already out depending on when you read this lol)

I hope you enjoy~

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