Distance - Dancy

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"Daisy, you coming?"

"Yeah! Just give me a second, I'll be right there!" Daisy smiles at her laptop screen.

"My favorite color! It's a light blue, but it's not light blue, it's light blue. Kinda like... ashy like bluey... kinda... kinda purple? But it's not purple... yeah." She rolls her eyes and giggles. Leave it to Nancy to prove she was the cutest girl to exist. Nancy had surprised her as well as the other merries by doing a facebook live. Nancy had told her for the past couple of weeks that she had been meaning to do one because she missed their merries.

"She never ceases to amaze me." Daisy said out loud. "She looks so beautiful as well." Daisy touches her laptop screen of Nancy's face. The young girl was dressed in a cute red crop top and shorts. She recently dyed her hair back from blue green to brown and added extensions.

"Where are the other members? They are at the dorm, I'm the only one here at the office. Daisy is in Canada, she's been in Canada for a week now and I miss her." Nancy said pouting her lips. Daisy's heart flutters, her grin gets bigger, a warm feeling spreads throughout her chest. "I miss her so much. I haven't talked to her for a couple of days now, I miss her face and her voice." Daisy chuckles at the maknae.

"I miss you too Aenan." Daisy said softly.

"A real life marshmallow doing a live stream." Nancy looks at the camera in confusion. "Why am I a marshmallow?" Nancy giggles. "Some of my fans call me that... I'm a marshmallow? Why am I a marshmallow? Do I look... chubby or something?" Another giggle comes out. "Thank you, I love to be a marshmallow. I love marshmallows." Nancy scrolls through the comments in silence. "Oh! Cause I have cute cheeks... Thank you." She pinches her cheeks before giggling and hiding her face from embarrassment. "I won't do that again."

          Daisy rolls her eyes playfully before frowning slightly. She knows Nancy is joking but she remembers times were Nancy would run to her room crying because of comments such as her weight would show up in videos or pictures. She remembers times where Nancy wouldn't eat or wouldn't eat enough. Seeing her go through that broke Daisy's heart in two. The girls had all told Nancy that she was beautiful as she was but Nancy never believed it. It wasn't until she heard it from Daisy she then started to believe it.

          As of lately, Daisy had been the only person she wanted to see and talk too. While she loves her unnies very much, they weren't Daisy, and the thought of Daisy not being within the same area yet same country as her makes her sad. She misses the girl more than she would have thought. These past couple of days have sucked, she had looked forward to Daisy's facetime calls but have gotten nothing. She gotten a few texts, but it was from the group chat. There were even some pictures of Daisy with her childhood friends. But there was one picture in particular that Nancy couldn't get her mind off of. It was a picture of Daisy and a boy, she remembers there was a past boyfriend before Daisy moved to Korea. Nancy wonders if that was the boy in the picture. The boy was tall, with black spiked hair and a charming smile. Something inside of Nancy felt strange, her heart stung, and she felt like she wanted to tear up. The other girls had seen how Nancy acted these past couple of days but no one didn't confront their maknae, Nancy would rather come to someone rather than have someone come to her, they let her be, they knew they would come to them eventually. Nancy spent all her time in her room rather than with the other girls. All she did was waited until Daisy texted her or called her. JooE came in and check up on her a couple of times but never pushed Nancy to talking to her. She had a feeling it was about Daisy but she chose not to push the young girl into telling her.

          Daisy on the other hand had always dealt with that for as long as she knew the girl since Finding Momoland. When she first met the small girl, she knew that in that moment, her life has changed. Nancy was the kindest and sweetest person to have greeted her. She was devasted when she didn't make the cut. Nancy was as well, but both girls had kept in touch throughout the debut. When Daisy joined, it was a surprise to all the girls. Daisy had practiced in a different room from the other girls and when she walked into her first practice with the other girls, Nancy was the first one to scream and hugged her tightly. Daisy just felt her feelings for the young girl grow stronger. The more time they spent together, the more Daisy started to feel differently towards her. It wasn't until she noticed how close Nancy and Yeonwoo were when she realized she had actual feelings for her. It scared her at first, she stayed away from the girl and made as little contact as she could, and regretted it because it just pushed Nancy into the arms of Yeonwoo. She envied how the older girl had all of Nancy's attention, and how it was so easy for her to flirt with her just like that. Even the fans had begged for more interactions between both Nancy and Yeonwoo, to which Yeonwoo didn't mind at all. Although Daisy managed to go back to Nancy and settle the little issue, she still envied Yeonwoo.

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