I Do - Nanwoo

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          She was running late, she knows she's gonna get shit for it. She didn't expect her meeting at her company to be longer than the scheduled time. She runs through the crowds of people, apologizing to the few she knocks over. She looks up at the coffee shop sign before pushing the door open, startling some people around her. She bows and gives her apologies. She looks around and sees a familiar person looking annoyed as they scroll through their phone and another person who was going through an iPad. She takes a deep breath in before walking over to the two, they look up, one amused and one annoyed.

"I'm so sorry I'm late." The woman said bowing to the two people sitting at the table. "I didn't think my meeting would take that long-"

"You have no time to explain. You're nearly 20 minutes late." The person next to her said.

"It's okay, it happens." The other woman said giving her a reassuring smile. "My name is Nancy McDonie, I'm going to be your wedding planner for you and your fiancée Ms. Kim."

"It's nice to meet you Nancy, I don't know if Taeha told you already, but my name is Yeonwoo." Nancy smiles and shakes the hand that was offered to her. "Have you ordered something? I'll pay-"

"We don't have time. I have somewhere to go after this." Taeha said rolling her eyes.

"Right..." Nancy taps on her iPad. "So from what your fiancée has told me, you two are expecting to get married within the next couple of months?" Both women nod. "Alright, let's just go over a checklist I made." Nancy pulls up a website with venues. "It's important where the wedding will be taken place, will it be outside with a beautiful scenery, will it be inside in a church, there's so much to choose from."

"It's going to be outside of course! Better lighting for pictures and it's better for all the guests we're going to have!" Taeha said excitedly. Yeonwoo looks as if she wanted to say something but kept her mouth shut. Nancy noticed this.

"Ms. Lee, what do you think?" Yeonwoo didn't expect to be called on. Taeha looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... Sounds good." Yeonwoo said quickly. Taeha looks back at Nancy who didn't look convinced.

"It's okay if you have a different opinion, this is what this is about, we all talk and come up with a solution both of you can be happy with."

"Well... I was thinking in a church, the parking would be better-"

"That's too small!"

"How many people are you planning to invite?" Yeonwoo asked Taeha.

"I work in a fashion company, I know a lot of people who is going to want to attend... I'm looking at about 200 people." Yeonwoo's eyes widen.

"You know that much people?!"

"Roughly 200, it could be more."

"I was thinking just our close friends and family... That's about 50 people."

"Yeah no, that's not happening." Taeha looks at Nancy. "Big venue."

"Well we just started; we don't need to pick one right now. But please, continue to talk about it." Nancy said as she looked over her checklist. "How about entertainment? Have you found a photographer, videographer, things like that?"

"My friend Jane is a photographer, I'm sure she would love to be the photographer. My other friend Hyebin is part of a band, I could always ask her if she wants to-"

"How about no." Taeha said. "They're not professional, we need professionals, this is a night we'll remember for the rest of our lives. We can't have mediocre talent at our wedding." Nancy started to feel awkward, she had a feeling something like this would happen based on Taeha's appearance alone.

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