Happy For You - Yeonwoo

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"Unnie?" I stopped in my tracks. That voice... It couldn't be... I turned around and felt my breath get caught in my throat. "Unnie!"

It is.

"Nancy..." The small girl hugs me tightly, but I couldn't return the hug.

"How have you been? It's been like what? 3 months since I last saw you?" It's actually been 150 days or 21 weeks, but who's counting?

"Yeah... Something like that." I said clearing my throat as she lets go of me.

"I've tried to call you but you weren't picking up my calls or my texts... I just wanted to see how you were since-"

"Since we broke up?" I said cutting her off. Nancy went silent and looked down at the ground nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm okay. I've been doing good. I was in America, spent some time with my sister and her family."

"Oh, how is she?"

"She's good... Enjoying motherhood and whatnot." Nancy lifts her head and I had to look away from those dangerous brown eyes. Once I get a glimpse of them, it'll be the end for me. I clear my throat. "How about you? How have you've been?"

"Really good! I got a promotion at work, you remember the one I told you about?"

"The one you would go on and on about as soon as the year started?" She lets out a chuckle. "How could I forget? You would always start off the sentence with 'I know they're going to promote me' right as soon as you walked through my apartment."

"Yeah... I was really persistent with that wasn't I? It must have gotten you annoyed."

"No, nothing about you could have annoyed me." There was a short silence between us as Nancy ducks her head a little and moves some hair to her ear. "I see you cut your hair... The blonde looks really good on you."

"Do you really like it? I got it done about a month ago. I really liked it, Jane unnie suggested I get it." I tilt my head and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Jane unnie? Who's Jane-"

"Aenan!" Our attention turns to a girl who just walked into the café. She had vibrant red hair with a white cap, a white graphic tee, ripped jeans, and black and white converse on her feet.

"Unnie!" I watch Nancy run up to the woman and hug her tightly before taking her hand walking up to me. "Jane unnie, this is Yeonwoo unnie, unnie this is Jane unnie, my girlfriend." Girlfriend?

"Hey! It's nice to finally meet you! Nancy talks about you a lot." Jane said holding out her hand. Girlfriend? She has a girlfriend? When did this happen? "Uh... Yeonwoo-ssi?"

"Sorry!" I said quickly, making them jump. "It's nice to meet you too." I take her extended hand and shook it. "You can call me unnie by the way."

"Okay! I will! Thank you unnie." Jane said bowing to me.

"Did you want to get some coffee with us? We can catch up with you." Nancy offered.

"I can't actually... I just had some." I said with a forced smile. "I was actually leaving."

"Aw, that sucks. Are you sure you're not able to stay for a bit and talk?"

"I can't sadly. But next time, it'll be on me." I said patting her shoulder.

"Can I get a hug before you leave?" Nancy aske me.

"Uh..." I hesitate.

"Please! I miss your hugs!" Nancy said pouting. I closed my eyes and clenched my fist tightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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