Must be Something - Nanwoo

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"Nancy! Hurry up! You're going to miss everything!"

"We got five minutes before it starts, I'm just getting something for us to drink."

"Hurry up!" Nancy rolls her eyes and walks into the living room and sees an excited Yeonwoo bouncing up and down on the couch. "What took you so long?! It's about to begin!"

"I was getting the snacks and drinks YOU requested."

"Shh! It's starting!" Nancy rolls her eyes as Yeonwoo pulls her down on the couch to sit next to her. When Nancy realizes that she wasn't seeing Yeonwoo anytime soon, she finds herself staring at the older girl in awe. Yeonwoo was watching the episode with seriousness, Nancy would find it cute how Yeonwoo would be mouthing the words coming from the actor's mouth. Despite not having the older girl with her during group schedules, it's nice to see her happy and doing what she loves. Yeonwoo has talked about acting with Nancy before but believed that she wasn't good enough to do so. Nancy simply told her that it was okay for her to be nervous but know that she was more than enough. The young girl remembered how happy Yeonwoo was when she found out that she got the part of Kwon Jin-ah in Pegasus Market. Before either girl knew, Yeonwoo was booked for two other dramas.

     Still, there was a small part in her wished that Yeonwoo would come back to not only the group, but to her more importantly. Lately, she felt the distance between the older girl and herself and hated it. Even some merries were commenting that Yeonwoo hated Nancy when it was the complete opposite. Both girls never made anything official, but Nancy knew she belonged to Yeonwoo and Yeonwoo belonged to Nancy. Yeonwoo never felt the need to label what was going on between them and at first, Nancy understood, there was just too much going on at the moment. But as of late, it feels like it wasn't enough. There are nights where Nancy would cry herself to sleep because she never knew where she stood with her. When Nancy and the girls would be away for schedule, Yeonwoo would be somewhere else. She would be on set, or with friends. Nancy was scared that Yeonwoo would eventually forget about the group and forget about herself as well. Nancy rarely sees Yeonwoo and tonight was the first night in a while both girls were off. Everyone else went out while the two girls had decided to stay in.

"Hey." The maknae turns her attention to the fox next to her who gives her a worried look. It's only then she realized that there was a commercial break that Yeonwoo was looking at her.


"Are you okay? You're frowning." She gently caresses the younger girls cheek with her pad of her thumb. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing." Nancy said quickly her her eyes fluttered shut at the contact. "I'm just... Really happy you're home." Yeonwoo smiles and gives her a chaste kiss on her lips. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Aenan, more than you could imagine." Nancy blushes at her response. "There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you."

"Every time the girls and I had an event, I wished it was you that I was next too, I wished it was you giving me the confidence to go out there and do my best, I wished it was you I was laughing with and made little mistakes with... I just wished it was you I was with." Yeonwoo bites her lip and looks away from her. "When are you going to come back? Everyone misses you, especially me."

"The show is back on." Yeonwoo said softly as she turned her attention back on the screen in front of her. Nancy sighs, this was her answer everytime she would ask the girl. Nancy felt the girl was avoiding the question at all cost. When she would bring it up, the tall girl would make up some lame excuse and leave poor Nancy in the dark. The young girl understands that the older girl has her anxiety, Nancy promised the girl that she would be there every step of the way, but Yeonwoo would just brush her off like she was nothing important.

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