Say You Won't Let Go - JooBin

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"Mommy!" Hyebin looks away from her window to the small toddler waddling over to her.

"Yes Nancy?" Nancy tries to climb on Hyebin's lap and pouted when she couldn't making the woman chuckle. She picks up the small girl and placed her on her lap, a smile on her face as Nancy cuddles into her chest.

"Can you tell me a story?"

"What kind of story?" Hyebin asked as she plays with the ends of the girls hair.

"My favorite story!" Nancy said cheerfully. Hyebin laughs but nods.

"Once upon a time-"

"No wait!" Nancy squirmed until Hyebin helped her off her lap and watched as the small girl ran out the living room before returning with her stuffed rabbit and blanket. She reaches for Hyebin who places her back on her lap. "Okay, now you can start!" Hyebin kisses her forehead before continuing.

"Once upon a time there was a princess named Cherry who decided to go to the royal ball with her other princess friends..."

I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough
We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

"This was a bad idea." Hyebin said with wide eyes as she looks over the social event. It was some house party of her friend's friend. There was a lot of people and she can practically feel herself suffocating from the lack of air.

"Loosen up! You haven't been out in months! I had to practically drag you out the house to be here." Hyebin's best friend Yeonwoo said patting her back. "You're here to have fun!"

"Yeonwoo Unnie! I'm so glad you can make- HYEBINNIE?" Hyebin winced as the small body hugged her tight.

"Daisy-ah, I-I can't b-breathe." The smaller girl let's go as Hyebin takes deep breaths in trying to regain her breathing.

"Oh stop being so dramatic." Yeonwoo said rolling her eyes before hugging Daisy. "Yoda! Thank you for inviting us, it's a great party so far."

"No problem! But I have to ask, how did you get Hyebin unnie out of the house?"

"It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. It required intelligence, a strong will mind, confidence-"

"She literally kicked my door open and said 'C'MON BITCH WE HAVE A PARTY TO GO TO' and literally changed my clothes before lifting me up and carrying me over her shoulder and threaten to drop me if I kept hitting her back and protesting." Daisy shook her head and smiled at the tall girl who simply shrugged.

"I'm just glad you finally came out of your rock to hang out with us. We've missed you."

"You make it sound like I don't know what it means to be around people and society."

"That's because you don't." Hyebin hits Yeonwoo's shoulder.

"Daisy-ah! I was looking all over for you, I needed to- Oh, hello." A girl with long black hair made her way over to Daisy. She was about the same height as Daisy, her eyes and smile were kind and welcoming. She was dressed in an open denim top, a black crop top, and jean shorts with black vans on her feet.

"JooE! These are my friends I kept telling you about. This is Yeonwoo unnie and this is Hyebin unnie, girls this is my friend and roommate JooE."

"Hey! It's finally nice to meet the two girls I heard so much about." JooE said happily.

"Same here! We heard so much about you! It's so nice to finally meet you. You throw really nice parties." JooE giggles as she moves some hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear. "Isn't that right-" Yeonwoo looks over at Hyebin and stops what she's saying to look at the woman. Hyebin stared at JooE in awe, a small smile on her face as she takes in the girl next to her friend. Hyebin swears she never seen anyone more beautiful in her life. She snaps out of her trance when she felt pain on her side. She glares at Yeonwoo who's smirking at her.

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