Biggest Fan - Jancy

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          Jane releases a breath of relief as she watches another ball fall through the hoop. Today was the big game, she had carried her team all the way to championships and she was more nervous than ever. Her teammates and coaches told her to not stress out before the big game, but she couldn't help but do that. Being the captain meant having to worry about everything. For the past week she was been reviewing her playbook and watching old practice videos and game videos to see what could be improved.

"Jiyeon-ah, I think you should stop before you hurt yourself. I can't afford to have the MVP get hurt on our most important game." Jane smiles at her coach. "You're working yourself too hard."

"I'll be done in five minutes coach. I just want to be able to get all the practice I can get."

"We have after school to practice." Jane shrugs. "How long have you been here now?"

"About... An hour and a half?"

"Alright, I think it's time for you to stop."

"But Coach-"

"No buts. Go hit the showers." Jane sighs but agrees as she places the ball back on cart. She walks to the locker room with her head down. Her coach stops her my placing a hand on her shoulder. "I saw a certain someone come into school not even five minutes ago. They could possibly be looking for you." Jane's picks her head up and smiles to herself before running to the locker rooms. Her coach shakes their head before making their way to their office.

          Jane rushes out of the gym and to the courtyard. She looks around until her eyes land on a small girl dressed in jeans, a white shirt with her jersey number 22, with black and white converses sitting at the table looking down at her phone. Jane quietly sneaks up on the girl and places her hands over her eyes, she gets a small gasp from the girl.

"Hello, I'm a thief, and I'm here to steal your heart." The girl relaxes before taking her own hands and taking Jane's off. She turns around and Jane's heart skips a beat.

"First of all, you didn't steal my heart. I gave you it. And secondly, you scared me, you can't sneak up on people like that."

"You'd think after nine months of dating you would know your girlfriend's touch considering you hold my hand everyday." The girl rolls her eyes. "Hi Nancy." Nancy gives Jane a small peck on her lips. Jane sits down next to the girl and brings her in her arms and placed her chin on her shoulder as she holds her from behind.

"Where were you? You weren't picking up your phone when I called you."

"I was practicing, I'm sorry I didn't pick up."

"You said you weren't going to go in this morning. Why did you lie to me?"

"I wasn't going too but I wasn't getting my shots in last night so I figured-"

"You're going to overwork yourself. You've been at the gym for the past week right after school until late at night." Nancy runs her hand through Jane's hair. "I'm concerned for you."

"I know... It's just that we worked so hard to be here... I don't want to let anyone down."

"Everyone knows that... Everyone is so proud of you, especially me. I know how much you wanted this. Please don't overwork yourself, okay?"

"Why are you so good to me? Most girlfriends would be pissed their significant other isn't spending enough time with them."

"Well I'm not like most girlfriends." Jane smiles at Nancy before placing a kiss on the side of her neck. "How nervous are you for tonight?"

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