Here I Am Again - Jancy

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          Nancy walked through the streets of Seoul alone in the dead of night. She hasn't been able to sleep well for the past couple of days. She's been depending on sleeping pills to help her but realized that she didn't have any left. Not wanting to risk tossing and turning in bed all night, the young girl decided to get up and take a walk through the town, thinking that it would help her sleep.

          As Nancy walked through the streets, she notices young couples around her. They were either holding hands, kissing, laughing, or anything of that latter. Seeing that made her heart sting. She tries not to dwell on it and instead look around the buildings and the lights. Nancy was the type that hated blinding lights or busy sidewalks, it's only when it's a certain time at night she can find it bearable, where it isn't too busy but there was a good amount of people on the streets, only then she would find it tolerable.

          The young girl happens to turn her head and stops when she sees a glider showcasing in the glass outside the sporting goods store. It makes her stop, almost tripping over her own feet as she stares at the glider. Memories hit her like a train.

"Oh thank god! Miss you need to help-" The woman stops when she notices the type of clothing the other woman had on as well as logos. "Hey... There's no reason to be pointing that gun-"

"State your name and occupation." A woman dressed in a uniform said sternly, pointing the gun at Nancy.

"I'll tell you if you help me down... Please don't shoot me!"

"Get down then."

"I-I can't, it's too far-" The gun pointed back at her, the woman's finger was dangerously near the trigger. "Okay! Okay!" Nancy unbuckles herself and nearly hurt herself badly if it wasn't for the mysterious woman. Nancy had fallen on her and gripped onto her tightly, the woman was too shocked to noticed what happened, her hands were stretched out, wide eyed not touching the woman. When the woman realized what was happening, she hastily pushed Nancy off her and pointed the gun back to her.

"Name and occupation."

"Surely you have heard of me, I'm everywhere-"

"I'm not going to ask you again." Nancy notices the woman's military uniform and the patches, her eyes widening.

"I work for a fashion company... I don't think you would now what it is... I don't feel comfortable telling you my name since we just met." The woman didn't look amused. "You made a tough decision, welcome to the Republic of Korea."

"Republic of Korea?"

"What was it called again?" Nancy thinks. "Defector! You're a defector from North Korea right?" The woman stares at Nancy. "Maybe you're not then... An armed communist then?" Nancy gasped. "Or a spy?!" Nancy looks up to the solider. "Are you a North Korean elite carrying out a special mission?" Silence. "Well whatever you are, don't worry, I'm not going to report you or anything. I don't mind other people's business, I'm only busy with mine... Now if you excuse me-" Nancy tried to walk away.

"Halt." The soilder said.

"I stopped! Look, I'm not moving!" Nancy said holding her hands up in the air. She slowly turns around. "Look... Could you please let me go home?"

"Where do you live?"

"Seoul-" She stops talking. "I can't give you any further details."

"It's a long way."

"I will find a way, thank you for the concern."

"There seems to be a misunderstanding." The solider said. "I didn't come from the South."

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