Forget Me Not - Jancy

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"Nancy-ah, back again?" Nancy looks at the older woman and nods shyly as the older woman types away on the computer.

"Any news?" The woman looks at the smaller girl and give her a small sad smile as she shakes her head. Nancy's confidence dropped as she forced back a smile at the woman who gives her a sticker.

"Don't give up hope, just hold on for a little bit more." Nancy gives the kind woman another smile before waving her a goodbye. She puts the sticker on the right side of her top as she makes her way to the elevator. 

          She's been coming here for months, she doesn't understand why she still gets nervous. Maybe its cause she's afraid, she doesn't know what could happen when she walks in, it could just be any other day where she comes in and tries or it can be something worse, she tries not to focus on that and only focus on the better. She steps out the elevator and gives her smiles and hellos to the people who made eye contact with her.

"Nancy, it's good to see you." Nancy stops and turns around and smiles at the woman approaching her.

"Sunmi unnie, how are you?"

"I'm doing good, just busy with work and all, you know, same old same old." Nancy giggles at the nurse's antics. "How are you?"

"Oh, you know, just the usual, work and here." Sunmi looks at the younger girl in sadness.

"Have you been taking care of yourself?"

"You ask me this every time we see each other. And my answer is still yes."

"I ask you every time because I care about you sweetheart." Nancy looks away. "And I keep asking you until you tell me the truth." Nancy looks back at the older woman in confusion. "I know you're not taking care of yourself. You get smaller every time I see you, and that's nearly every week. You look like you're about to pass out on yourself, not to mention your eyes a majority of the time are swollen and red." Nancy looks down in shame. "Nancy, you need to take better care of yourself. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

"I promise you I'm okay, you don't need to worry about me-"

"It's not your fault... This wasn't your doing." Sunmi can see the tears forming in the younger girls eyes.

"She was coming to me... Because of that stupid fight we had-"

"It was the drunk driver, he ran through the red light at high speed and hit her-"

"She wouldn't have been on the road if it wasn't for me!" Sunmi takes Nancy in her arms as she cries. "All because I was jealous... Of her best friend out of all people, and she even has a girlfriend she loves and adores." Nancy releases Sunmi's arms from around her and began to pace up and down the floor. "Maybe I should stop all this. Maybe it's better if she doesn't remember me at all, maybe I should just disappear from her life... Maybe her having amnesia is a good thing."

"You can't do that! You love her! She loves you!"

"She doesn't remember me! She doesn't remember that I'm her girlfriend! She doesn't remember anything from the past three years, that's how long we've known each other and dated." Nancy wipes her tears away. "It's so hard, going in there... Seeing her condition, knowing it was my fault she's there in the first place."

"I know it's hard, I don't know what I would do if that was Seulgi in that room... But don't give up on her Nancy-ah, Jane has shown improvement since you've been here, and there are days where you're not here and she would ask about the small brunette girl that comes by and say hi."


"Would I lie to you?" Nancy shakes her head. Sunmi reaches for Nancy's hand. "Let's go see your girl." Both girls walk into the room to see a black hair girl sitting up in her bed and looking out the window, the girl turns her head and looks at the visitors. "Jane! You have a guest!"

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