Kissing Strangers - Nanwoo

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          Nancy stood out on the balcony overlooking the view of Seoul. She was dragged to yet another useless party by her best friend JooE. She told the girl repeatedly she didn't want to go out, but JooE refused to take no as an answer. JooE has been bothering Nancy for the past couple of months to hang out with her but Nancy had denied every time coming up with lame excuses. JooE knows Nancy hasn't been the best, she's been working like a dog at the new music company she's been at for the past month, she barely has time for herself, and when she does have the time, she has other business to deal with also known as her family. JooE wishes her best friend to just take a breather and have fun, but Nancy doesn't like to have fun, she rather do something constructive than have fun.

"You seem to be having the time of your life." Nancy turns her head and felt her breath get caught in her throat. The woman who approached her was dressed in a black blazer with black lace underneath, black dress pants that stopped at the ankle and black sandal heels on her feet. Her hair was out, her makeup wasn't heavy, but what caught Nancy's attention was her red lips, it stood out from everything else. They were plumped and formed a small pout, she thinks the color looks good on her, but finds herself thinking how her lips would look if it was a dark red just like the color she herself had on. 

          She swallows hard, she shouldn't be thinking like this, she barely knew who this woman was. She blinks a couple of times when she noticed the smirk from the mystery woman's lips.

"I'm sorry?" Nancy said, wanting to hit herself when her voice faltered.

"I said, you seem to be having the time of your life." Nancy felt goosebumps on her arms, the woman's voice was laced with lust and danger. Nancy could tell this woman was bad news.

"Oh..." The woman chuckles and walks closer to Nancy. Nancy felt like she could faint right on the spot, the woman smelt like cedarwood and lavender. It was a scent that had her feeling lightheaded if not intoxicated. "Yeah...."

"Are you okay?" The woman places her hand on Nancy's forehead to check her temperature. The cool hand sent sparks throughout the small girl's body, she couldn't talk, not when those cool hands were now near her warm neck. "You're a little warm..."

"No!" Nancy said suddenly, the tall woman jumped slightly before furrowing her eyebrows at the girl who was trying to compose herself from her sudden outburst. "I-I'm fine."

"So you can talk." The woman lets out a throaty chuckle as Nancy blushes. "I'm guessing this isn't your scene?" Nancy nods her head. "Why are you here then?"

"My best friend dragged me here."

"Ah, I see." The woman looks out to the view giving Nancy a chance to look at her face. She would be lying if she said this woman wasn't attractive because God was she attractive, Nancy had to pinch herself to make sure this wasn't a dream. She never thought she would meet someone this gorgeous. 

"Why are you here?" Nancy asked her after staring at her for a while.

"Not really sure... For the free booze I guess." She said gesturing to the glass in her hand. "You drink?"

"Not really...." Nancy murmurs.

"Try this." The woman shows her the glass that had a dark liquid in it. "It's not as bad as it looks, you can trust me." Nancy continues to look at the glass but stays silent. "I didn't poison it if that's what you're thinking." The woman said jokingly but stops when she realizes Nancy hasn't moved or said a word since she offered. "Nevermind-" The smaller girl suddenly takes the glass from her and drinks the whole thing in two gulps. "Woah!" She exclaims as Nancy begins to cough violently.

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