Highschool AU

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Tad bit of angst 😈 (cover art by me 😂)

Crowley shot out of his seat and ran out of the lunch hall before tears could spill down his cheeks. He wasn't quite sure where he was going. He just kept running. A few of his friends stopped him and asked if he was ok.
"I'm fine." Crowley faked a smile every time, it was a knee jerk reaction. He didn't need to bother anyone with his pathetic human feelings. The demon's feet seemed to be taking him somewhere.

Crowley stopped running and looked up to see where he was. Ah of course. His feet had taken him to the bench behind the school. After aggressively slamming his bag into the floor, Crowley slumped onto the bench and tried to calm himself down.
Tch, he scolded himself, why did I ever think I could be good enough???

Crowley didn't know how long he'd been staring into silence when he heard a soft voice call him.
"Crowley? Dear, are you alright?" The demon's every instinct was to say yeah, I'm good. But he ignored them. This was the one person he could be himself around.
"No." He croaked, his voice still hoarse from crying. The angel sat down next to him and tenderly placed a hand on Crowley's arm.
"Whatever's wrong?" He asked. Suddenly every wall Crowley had ever built came crashing down in a tsunami of emotions.
"I'm an idiot! How could I ever thing I was good enough for them?! I'm just a demon I could never be anything for them! Not to mention the fact that our families hate each other's guts. They were the only person I really cared about for god- for Satan- AGH I DONT CARE ANYMORE!!! I FEEL LIKE SOMEONE' RIPPED A HOLE RIGHT THROUGH MY CHEST AND LEFT ME IN MY GRAVE TO BLEED TO DEATH. WHY CANT I JUST DIE??"
Crowley was crying again and Aziraphale was speechless. He embraced the demon and quietly asked,
"Who was it Crowley?"
"It doesn't matter...." Crowley sobbed.

Crowley lay in Aziraphale's arms in silence for so long the bell for lessons went but Crowley didn't move so neither did Aziraphale. The sun had started to set when Crowley whispered "Aziraphale..." half hoping the angel wouldn't hear him.
"Yes?" The angel had heard him.
"No," Crowley didn't speak any louder. "That's their name..." he closed his eyes preparing for his inevitable rejection. Aziraphale just continued to stare straight ahead, confused.
"M-me?" He muttered, matching Crowley's volume.
"Yeah.... I'm sorry, angel." The demon was expected to be yelled at, to be told how pathetic he was, to be laughed at; that's what people normally did. But then, Aziraphale wasn't people, he was an angel. Crowley's angel.
"Don't apologise Crowley! I'm the one who's sorry. I had no idea you felt like this. I mean, you're the one with all the friends, and the fangirls, and the respect. I've got nothing. I never thought you would like me back..." Aziraphale had to wait a moment for Crowley.exe to restart.
"You- eh- b-back??" He was trying his hardest to form a string of words that made sense. Aziraphale smiled and placed a hand on Crowley's cheek.
"Of course dear." The demon was absolutely dumbfounded but also felt like he might discorporate at any moment. Aziraphale giggled at Crowley's expression and kissed Crowley on the forehead which only seemed to make things worse. When the blubbering mess finally grasped what had been going on for the past few minutes he wrapped his arms around Aziraphale who hugged him back. They sat like the for a few minutes until Aziraphale lifted Crowley's chin and kissed him softly.

Ok so maybe not that much angst

I'm sorry I'm really trying to update but I'm struggling with my head and my parents are strict and writing is harrrrd.

Thank you so much for 3k reads your support means so much to me 😭❤️🏳️‍🌈

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