One fall, no memories.

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Ok so imma try to keep the angst in this one 😈

"-llo? Are you alright?" Aziraphale snapped out of his trance and turned his head to find a red haired angel looking down at him. Aziraphale found himself lost in the angel's warm, gold eyes but quickly averted his gaze.
"S-sorry." He mumbled, "did you say something?" The red head smiled.
"I was asking if you were alright, you looked sad. I'm Raphael by the way." Aziraphale furrowed his brow. Why did he know that name? Raphael placed a hand on Aziraphale's shoulder.
"Are you?"
"A-am I what sorry?"
Aziraphale nodded in response and smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. Raphael didn't quite believe him but didn't push the subject further. He sat down next to Aziraphale and looked out at the stars. He pointed at a cluster of them.
"I helped build that nebula..."
Something inside Aziraphale's brain clicked.
"Wait-" he realised, "archangel Raphael?!"
Raphael chuckled.
"Busted!" He smirked, "you can call me Raph."
Aziraphale was confusion. Why was an archangel talking to a lowly principality like him? A million questions burned in his mind but he knew it was never safe to ask.
"'s a very um- pretty nebula." He tried to salvage the conversation. Raphael laughed again at the principality's obvious lack in social skills. Aziraphale blushed in embarrassment. They fell silent again.

"You look lost." Raphael spoke. Aziraphale was taken aback.
"Quite hardly I'm afraid," he protested, "I come here all the time." Raph continued to stare into the stars.
"No." He said, "in your head, I can feel it." He turned to face the principality and placed a hand on his cheek. Aziraphale blushed again but stayed put.
"My job is to take care of lost souls," Raphael's words soothed Aziraphale, "And you are certainly one of them. You have so many questions, why don't you ask?" Aziraphale turned away quickly and the feeling of despair returned.
"I can't, you know I can't." He closed his eyes and tried not to imagine what the revolution was facing. Raph sighed and buried his head in his hands.
"We should be able to! They can't just ask us to do something and not let us ask back! Why-"
"Raph!" Aziraphale exclaimed and covered his ears. Raphael looked like he wanted to cry from on-top of a mountain of forbidden emotions.

Before either of the angels could say anything, instructions were snapped into Raphael's head. His expression morphed into pain that he hadn't experienced yet but he knew he would very soon.
"Raphael?" Aziraphale put a hand on the archangel's shoulder. Raph just shook his head.
"Listen," whispered the archangel. "I've been watching you for a while. Not in a weird way- just- I was drawn to you. You are the nicest angel I've ever met. I've seen the way the others treat you but you keep going no matter what they say. Nobody has been kind since you arrived and I think there's still time for a change in that before I go."
"Before you go? Wh-" before Aziraphale could ask anymore Raphael pressed their lips together. The kiss caught the principality off guard but he suddenly felt safer and more secure than he'd ever felt.
When they broke apart Raphael was crying. He stood up and left without another word, leaving Aziraphale baffled. Then there was a crackle as the announcement speakers turned on.
"All angels to report to the golden gates immediately." Aziraphale's wings carried out the instructions but his mind was elsewhere.

All of heaven was gathered by the great golden gates, everyone wondering what was going on. Aziraphale was considerably smaller than everyone else so he was able to shuffle forward to get a better view. There was a row of angels lined up right on the edge of heaven. Aziraphale scanned them and his breath caught in his throat when he saw the red head archangel among them. Raphael must've felt Aziraphale's presence because he turned his head and they made eye contact. He smiled apologetically at the principality, tears in his eyes, before reluctantly turning back around. Aziraphale wasn't sure what to think. Raphael was an archangel, why would he be lined up with the revolution?

As Aziraphale was searching his head for answers to his many questions, there was a series of loud bangs from the judge.
"It has come to our attention," spoke a voice over the loudspeaker, "that this so-called 'revolution' wishes the downfall and chaos of heaven."
Lies Raphael thought.
"For the greater good of us all, the high council has decided to banish the involved angels from heaven for eternity. We assure you all that this is the best course of action. If there was any other way, we would do it. But alas, there is not."
Lies, lies, LIES. Raphael wanted to scream but he held back; he was in enough trouble as it was.
"For everyone's safety," the voice continued, "we are going to erase all memories of the revolution from the rest of heaven's mind to prevent any further damage." Raphael's eyes widened; Aziraphale wouldn't remember him. After centuries of building up the courage to talk to him. It was all for nothing. He continued to stare straight ahead and let the tears roll freely down his cheeks.

Aziraphale was trembling with sadness and anger. Raphael was a good angel. This was all a trick. He'd never be with the revolution. He was an archangel! The principality traced his lips with his finger. What did it mean?

A deadly silence loomed in the air, ominously waiting. The rest of the judge's words washed over Raphael's head; he didn't care anymore. This was one huge propaganda to uphold their reputation. They were just embarrassed that even an archangel would agree with the revolution who just wanted the best for everyone.

Once the judge had finished their speech, the 'traitors' were pushed off heaven one by one. Lucifer was first. The whole thing was his idea anyway. Before walking over the edge, he muttered some unholy incantation and ended with a big middle finger up to the rest of heaven.

Raphael watched as his friends fell, the end of the line getting ever closer. The 'peacekeepers' reached Raphael and asked with a bone chilling smile:
"Any last words?"
Raphael closed his eyes and focused the last of his heavenly powers on reaching Aziraphale's mind. He opened his eyes and faced the peacekeepers.
"Yeah." He said turning his back to the edge of heaven, arms spread like he was on the titanic.
"So long sucka."

The peacekeepers didn't even have to push him; Raphael jumped. Some say he even did a flip.

As Raphael fell, he screamed in agony. Black crawled up his wings and stripped away the glow they used to hold. The tears Raphael cried turned to blood and stained his once perfect face. Time seemed to wibble and wobble until it wasn't even recognisable as a concept.

After what could've been a second or a lifetime, Raphael hit the depths of hell with a sickening thud. His wings were black and broken. The last lights of his halo flickered  for a while but gave up when they saw there was no hope left in the newly fallen angel's head.

Aziraphale snapped out of his daydream and lifted a hand to his cheek and wiped away a tear. That's odd he remarked I don't remember being sad. He merely shrugged it off but something was still nagging him in the back of his head. Aziraphale searched his mind until he found two words:



The creation of the earth had finished and hell was already planning to ruin it. Beelzebub stood at the front of the meeting and was telling everyone the most dastardly evil plan they could come up with. They were certain that nothing could go wrong.
"However," they added. "We have word that an angel has been sent to guard the gate of Eden." Crawley groaned in his head; if he hadn't want to do it before, then he really didn't want to go up now. All the other demons, however, seemed indifferent.
"I believe he is only a principality though," Beelzebub continued, "and he goes by the name Aziraphale."
Crawley's eyes widened.
"Do I have any volunteers?"
Before anyone could so much as lift a finger Crawley shot out of his seat.
"I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE." He practically screamed. Beelzebub gave him a confused look and Crawley cleared his throat loudly. "Er I mean..... no one wants to be anywhere near an angel do they?" There were mumbles of agreement. "Right," Crawley continued desperately, " so I um.... thought I'd take this bullet for everyone...."  Beelzebub contemplated this for a while but they nodded in agreement.


Crawley had somehow managed to get the new humans kicked out of Eden with one move but it wasn't the thing that was on his mind. He had spotted the principality standing on top of the eastern gate watching the humans leave. Crawley slithered up the wall and stood beside him. They got talking but he soon felt dread churning in his stomach.

In Aziraphale's eyes was nothing. No recognition.

No memories.


Anyway have this 1500+ word story❤️🏳️‍🌈

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