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“Are you out of your mind!? Why did you do that?”

All Minah wanted for the past ten minutes was to slam her head repeatedly against their lunch table until she bleeds. She had heard nothing else but Eunri’s voice scolding her and Nara saying things that she thought could never happen, like Xiumin getting people to humiliate her or throw eggs at her head anytime this week.

With M’s notoriety, of course somebody witnessed the whole thing and soon, ‘that Cheongju girl assaulted Xiumin with a pen’ spread like wildfire among the student body. In a matter of three days, the rumor became an overreaction and reached her newfound friends, but what do you expect from a bunch of teenage boys and girls?

The twisted news will be twisted more, as long as it passed from person to person.

“Why are you two making a big commotion about this? I’m defending you, Eunri.” Minah argued, shoving some food into her mouth. She wasn’t scared of anything coming out of their mouths, either warning or an angry lecture; not even aware of what an M member is capable of doing.

“I already told you not to.” Eunri rolled her eyes and pulled Minah’s tray away to keep her from eating calmly and make listen to her harangue. “You just transferred to this school and you already have a death wish.”

“Don’t you acknowledge anything we say to you? They’re harmless unless you meddle with their business and stay in your line.” Nara added in a hushed tone, unlike Eunri who was trying not to smack her with a spoon.

“Really, you call them ‘harmless’? That Xiumin guy pushed her without a valid reason at all and you call that ‘harmless’?” Minah replied, pulling her tray back.

“Everything has a reason, Minah.”

“Then what, what’s the reason?” Minah challenged, dropping her chopsticks starkly as she turned to the other girl. “Did you do something to him? Are you at fault?”

“Why is this so much of a big deal to you?” Eunri massaged her temples and sighed heavily. Nara on the other hand, quietly shook her head and ate her own lunch. “It was just a little push. I’m okay. I didn’t die.”

“Why is it so much of a big deal to you if I make him apologize? I’m the one who’s going to get in trouble and if things miraculously work, he’ll finally say sorry to you.” Minah leaned back on her seat as she confidently observed Eunri shy away silently in defeat. “Is there something you’re not telling me?”

“There’s nothing.” Nara answered for the both of them. “Is there something you’re not telling us? This seems like an issue to you, and you’re putting yourself at risk just for one push.”

“There’s nothing.”

Silence covered the three for a couple of moments. Minah gazed at M’s table, specifically at Xiumin who was inaudibly having his meal... that’s until he gazed back at her, seemingly had sensed her stare. He looked irate actually, but Minah didn’t look away. She thought it could make him ask for forgiveness if she annoyed him further.

“You already struck a nerve. One of these days, you’re gonna receive something more than a little push.” Nara presaged.

Then again, Minah wasn’t listening.


The last bell rang, meaning the dismissal of afternoon classes. Nara sighed heavily as she waited for Minah and Eunri to finish packing their things.

“Do we ever get one weekend free of homework?” Eunri whined, picking her bag up as she followed the first two to the door.

“It’s just the first week and you’re already complaining. Wait ‘til midyear.”

Egocentric [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now