Move On

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“So, she met Little Miss Film Connoisseur?”

Xiumin wanted nothing else but to bang his head against the table repeatedly until he bleeds, because he had heard nothing else around his group of friends but that dreaded name. Minah, Minah, Minah... why did it always have to be her?

He must’ve been dreaming awake or losing his coconut because even Kris who threatened her to stay away from them was mutely listening and nodding along to the conversation.

“Yeah, she took a bit of time adjusting to Minah’s attitude though.” Luhan shrugged at Chen and sipped on his soda.

Chen’s pet name for Eunchae was Little Miss Film Connoisseur, because she was honestly the expert at picking the best movies and forcing them all to watch.

“Everyone needs to take time with that girl’s attitude.” Lay scoffed, shoving food into his mouth.

“But they instantly got along when I ordered pizza.” Luhan continued narrating and laughed. “Eunchae now calls her ‘Minah unnie’ even though Minah denied his relationship with Minseok several times.”

“I hate you.” Xiumin remarked, throwing a piece of his food at Luhan which he dodged. “I fucking hate you.”

“Oh, I love you too.”

“Does that mean I have to call her ‘noona'?” Tao mocked, smirking at his Minseok hyung. Luhan snorted at this and so did everyone else, looking at Xiumin sardonically.

“I fucking hate all of you.” Xiumin said blankly. He figured that it would fuel the fire if he kept on getting upset with Luhan whenever he’d crack these horrible jokes about him and that girl, so he pretended that he didn’t give a damn anymore... even though he’s just keeping himself from punching someone in the face like he did with Baekhyun.

“We make fun of you both a lot, but she actually isn’t that bad.” Luhan suddenly turned serious as he glanced at Minah and her friends once. “She’s a fun person to talk to when you aren’t acting like a jerk. If only you could give her a chance. After all, this only started when she saw you push Eunri.”

Xiumin dropped his utensils on the tray in a loud clatter, startling everyone around him. He was getting pissed off again but Minah wasn’t the reason anymore. Luhan was starting to get on his nerves.

“Of all people, Luhan, you’re saying that to me?” Xiumin pointed a finger at him and spoke through gritted teeth. “You know very well why I did that.”

“I know, but that’s almost two years ago.” Luhan reasoned out in a hushed voice. “We should move on to better things.”

Everyone around the table kept quiet, seeing Xiumin’s expression turn infuriated before their very eyes in a matter of seconds. He straightened up on his seat and put both hands flat on the table, pushing his tray away from him in case he does something that’ll make the food fly up in the air.

Luhan was courageous enough to look him in the eye in that state, where he had flames blazing from his gaze.

“Move on to better things?” Xiumin asked in a dangerously low tone, before leaning forward. “Move on to better things!?”

“Minseok hyung, calm down.” Chen placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrugged him off. A few people from another table heard and glanced at them from time to time, but were too afraid to have the long eye contact.

Sehun caught a glimpse of Xiumin’s anger and elbowed DO beside him. Soon enough, the whole K table was watching and waiting for the Xiumin bomb to go off.

“Can you even hear a word you’re saying?” Xiumin said to Luhan, who was still keeping his eyes at other male. He was a tad afraid of this happening, but there was no other way to put it. He wanted Xiumin to realize his wrongdoings.

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