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Walking back and forth between the ends of her room, Minah struggled to stay still and look normal wearing a pair of dreadful suede pumps which Eunri lent her. She had been swearing for about the hundredth time when she tripped once again and almost punched her mirror in frustration.

The day of Luhan’s birthday party came and if only her two friends didn’t come by the other day to get permission from her parents personally, she could’ve been lying in bed now and snoring the night away.

She stood up straight once more and breathed in before taking a step, a trick that Nara taught her to keep the posture. Minah never liked wearing high-heeled shoes, for the one and only reason of not being able to run fast when it’s raining.

“Minah dear, Eunri and Nara are in the living room already.” Umma called as she knocked on her bedroom door.

“I’ll be right out. Just give me a minute.” Minah shouted back. She practiced on a few more steps and finally got the hang of it, before walking out to meet her friends.

She was stunned when she saw the two, because no other word could describe them but ‘beautiful’. Eunri was her usual sweet self, only much more endearing in her pastel pink lace dress. Nara, on the other hand, would be easily assumed as the smart girl that she is, wearing a white embellished top and mint green pencil skirt.

Xiumin was right about seeing people from school in casual clothes. It was weird, but a little bit captivating.

“Where’s Minah and what did you do to her?” Nara flashed a bright grin, while Eunri stood up and gazed at her from head to toe. They looked impressed, but Minah was thinking the opposite.

“Let’s get this crap over with.” Minah huffed. “Umma, we’re gonna go now!”

“Alright, be safe!”

They walked out of the house and into a parked car with a waiting guy, who happened to be Nara’s older brother Daesung. He was designated to be their driver for the night, which he didn’t look happy about at all.

“This party is gonna suck so bad.” Minah muttered to herself and stared out the window. She was seated with Eunri at the back, Nara beside her brother.

“Will you please stop being so negative?” Eunri complained. “Cheer up. You look pretty tonight.”

“I’d rather sleep than be in a room full of people I don’t know. You two are going to leave me the moment we step into that place.” Minah pouted. “I guarantee it.”

“Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I’m practically forced to drive my little sister and her friends to some high school party I couldn’t care less about.” Daesung butted in, glancing at Minah once using the rearview mirror.

“You wouldn’t be driving now if you just teach me how to drive, oppa.” Nara said with hope.

Minah scoffed and shook her head as both Eunri and her listen to the siblings in front argue about who should drive who. Daesung insisted that he could never trust Nara behind the wheel, because she would either step on the pedal too fast when she’s upset or drive too slow because she sometimes acts like a grandmother.

They arrived at the place twenty five minutes later, which felt like a whole year to Minah. It was as if she wanted to sink into her seat and never get out of the car. Her plan B was to actually tell Daesung to take her back home after Eunri and Nara steps out of the vehicle.

She looked out the window and saw well-groomed visitors get inside one by one, and Minah suddenly felt like she was naked. Compared to Luhan’s other guests, she thought she was unworthy of even wearing a dress, what more if she joined the party?

Egocentric [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now