Unlucky Pair

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It was amazing how issues inside the school grounds spread faster than wildfire at the first mention.

‘Obviously, they walk together because they’re classmates.’... ‘I saw them this morning and they looked sweet.’... ‘They’re so damn kyeopta!’... ‘I think she’s up to no good. Remember when she kicked Suho’s treasure?’... ‘They won’t last. The only girl still going strong with an M member is Yeonjae.’... ‘I heard that Kris complimented her once. It’s so rare for him to be impressed.’... ‘She’s from some far away land. Of course, he’d like her because her nature is different.’... ‘She’s my friend’s classmate and he told me that she fought against the gangs and yelled a lot. Why would Xiumin go out with a girl like that?’... ‘She passed by the parking lot everyday because he wanted her to.’... ‘They were holding hands when they walked in together today, and it’s really not that big of a deal like most of the girls here think.’... ‘Xiumin likes her very much. Did you see how he just ogled her during that time at the party?’

Minah straightened up on her seat when Mr. Yongjin entered the room, all smiles and good vibes. She mentally thanked him for being such a savior, stopping Eunri and Nara from asking her stupid stuff about the rumors going around the student body regarding her and Xiumin. She just gave them answers like ‘yes’ or ‘no’, because what happened between them during the weekend should stay between them.

“Good morning, class.” The teacher greeted and they greeted back, bowing down in sync. He had folders in hand which he set down on his desk, an unusual sight for him.

The door opened again and revealed the two tardy beagles, out of breath as always. Nobody knew if Chanyeol and Baekhyun would ever change that pattern in the morning, arriving late in class and not getting penalized for it.

“Morning, Mr. Y.” Chanyeol bowed, followed by Baekhyun. The teacher checked his watch and made them both sit down, as they didn’t reach the end of grace time just yet.

“Before we start the lesson, I have a special assignment for you people to do over the weekend that I’d like to discuss.” He grinned, picking up one folder and showing it to the class. Boys and girls from side to side groaned and complained to themselves, but had been halted by the Teacher Yongjin’s twist to get his students motivated. “You aren’t going to do the assignment alone, because you’d be divided in pairs.”

“Sir?” Eunri raised her hand. “Do we get to choose who our partners would be?”

“That’s a good question.” Mr. Yongjin smiled. “The answer is no.”

The class groaned again and hushed words were heard throughout the second section, whining about how they didn’t want to be partnered with people they didn’t get along with. That was the problem with not having a wide set of friends in the homeroom, the result of the pairs would be totally unpredictable.

“Get a piece of paper and write your name on it.” He instructed, and they all proceeded to their own businesses. When the names were passed to the front – girls separated from boys – all of them paid attention and shut their mouths.

“Please make it random. Please make it random.” Eunri muttered repeatedly, glancing at Minah every once in a while. “No opposite genders, please, please, please.”

“We’ll draw lots, and the pairing will be boys and girls.”

“Shit.” Minah whispered, infected by Eunri’s attitude towards it.

“The first one I’ll pick from the girls will go here in front and pick a partner from the boys herself.” Mr. Yongjin explained. “To give you a heads up, you and your partner would have to search for answers from people other than me, because you’ll find difficult problems in this assignment... problems that I never taught you how to solve. I want to see how you kids join your minds together for teamwork. This will show your resourcefulness and build a good collaboration and relationship with people other than your friends.”

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