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Who knew sitting down for more than four hours straight could be so tiring? After X-Men: First Class, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, Sucker Punch and the start of Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Minah already felt her eyelids giving up.

She looked around the room and saw Lay already sleeping, same with Chen and Yeonjae who were snug in each other’s arms while lying on the blanketed floor. The rest were still diligently paying attention to the screen.

Minah glanced up at Xiumin for a second before focusing back on watching, a thing she found hard to do with exhaustion poking at her eyes and trying to consume her. She closed it once or twice, but never again because her head fell forward and backward whenever she did.

Minah slid down a few inches so she could have a better pose and leaned back completely on the couch. She was really feeling drowsy, and quietly admired how the others could stay up until every movie ended.

“Is this the last one?” Minah whispered to Xiumin.

“How many have we watched?” He asked back.

“This is the fourth.”

“Then there’s one more after this. You sound like you’re sick of watching.” He answered with a scoff. Minah groaned to herself, careful not to disturb the people around them who were caught up with the movie.

“It’s not that.” Minah said. “I mean, she really picked good movies and I like that they’re foreign for a change. My eyes are just so heavy right now. I have no idea how you could endure it.”

“When you do things often, you get used to it.” Xiumin mumbled. “You can sleep if you want to, Eunchae won’t mind. She knows this is your first time doing this.”

“Wouldn’t that be rude?”

“Lay sleeps all the time and he had been joining us in marathons ever since he met Eunchae. She won’t mind if you do too.”

It only took her mere seconds to give in to her sleepiness and grabbed a pillow nearby so she could close her eyes for a short time. Just a few minutes, she thought, I promise.

She hugged the pillow to her chest and leaned back again, this time, freely closing her eyes so she could rest. A minute later, she could feel an arm snake around her shoulder, pulling her to a warmer place. She didn’t want to open her eyes even though she badly wanted to, only because she knew she would blush like crazy if she did.

Xiumin had her leaning back to his front, quietly continuing to watch the movie while he subconsciously traced circles on Minah’s shoulder. She admittedly liked it – only to herself, of course – having him that near to her.

Amidst the film, Minah felt a weight on the top of her head and had to wiggle her way out of his grip. Xiumin had fallen asleep as well, and she carefully supported his sleepy head so he wouldn’t fall as she sat up straight again. The first thought was to let him lie down and put the pillow under his head... if only he didn’t reach for the nearest thing to cuddle with, happening to be Minah’s arm.

She shook him away, but he didn’t let go. Instead of the original plan, she let his head set on her lap while she sat to proceed on watching the movie. Minah cautiously looked around the room, wondering of anyone was looking at Xiumin and her. They were all lost in their own worlds anyway, so she thought that it wasn’t that bad of an idea.

Minah gazed down at Xiumin and took time to appreciate how he looked like when he was completely serene, drifting off to his dream world. It was a joy to see him that way, because that was the first time that Minah stopped and just stared at his face without a care in the world.

Egocentric [Book I]Where stories live. Discover now