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Minah sluggishly went out of bed when Monday morning came and although she preferred to stay at home and rest, she didn’t want to stain her attendance at her second week of school.

She proceeded to her morning routine and looked forward to the day, even though she was sure of being the center of rumors again. First, it was Xiumin, and now, this. There was no assurance that K will leave her alone, especially if she was to seat a couple of chairs away from them inside the classroom.

Swinging the grey cardigan over her shoulders to complete her uniform, Minah went out of her bedroom and was greeted by her brother running past her door.

She wished she had the morning energy that Minjae had.

“Good morning, dear.” Umma greeted, setting their breakfast on the table. Slowly, she sat down beside her hyper sibling and threw her bag on the floor. “Are you sure you want to go to school?”

“I’m okay, Umma.”

Her mother reached up and touched her forehead with the back of the hand, shaking her head at the feeling of Minah’s skin. “You’re still a bit feverish.”

“I’ll be fine.” Minah assured her with a little smile. “I’m going to take a tablet after lunch.”

“Okay.” Umma agreed, although still hesitant. “But if your temperature rises again, call me so I can pick you up.”

Minah just nodded as response and started eating. She couldn’t even put one spoonful of rice in her mouth, but she needed it to survive school. Her father joined them after a few minutes, and noticed how pale her face was despite the warmth inside the house.

“You can skip school today. I’m going to call them.” Appa suggested, slightly stroking his daughter’s hair. “Your health is way more important.”

“No, I’ll be alright.” Minah shook her head lightly, afraid that she might get lightheaded by moving too much.

“I tell you to bring an umbrella every day, but you never listen.” Umma reprimanded, making Minah’s ears ring. She loved her mother, but she didn’t like being lectured over things that she does on purpose, especially in front of food.

“It only rains at night and I didn’t know I was going to stay out late.” Minah reasoned out.

“Why did you stay out late anyway?” Appa asked.

“I did all my homework in the library.”

“You can do it at home. Isn’t that why it’s called ‘homework’?”

“See, you’re asking weird things again, Appa.” Minah scoffed, followed by her mother giggling. Appa just shook his head in disapproval and continued eating.

“What’s so weird about that question?”

“Never mind.”


“The first one who solves and gets the correct answer shall win.” Teacher Yongjin grinned at his two pupils facing the class, about to turn around and analyze the problem on the board.

One of the things students liked about Mr. Yongjin the most is that he made his subject fun and possible to cope with. It was a battle of boys versus girls, and standing before everyone was Luhan and Nara.

Eunri anticipated for the whole thing, while Minah had her cheek on the palm of her hand. Her head was throbbing and she cursed herself mentally for not staying at home. She even felt the heat of the air coming out of her nostrils every time she exhaled.

“Three, two, one, go!”

Nara speedily spun on her heel and ran to the board, jotting down an equation as fast as she could. Luhan was catching up with no problem at all and they near towards figuring it out; both solutions would be exactly alike if it weren’t for the penmanship difference.

Egocentric [Book I]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon