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A starry spring night, no high-heeled shoes, a calm atmosphere and the sound of water from the swimming pool was a perfect night for Minah... except for the part that Xiumin was lying down beside her.

It was probably the alcohol that made her cheeks hot and heart hammering in her chest, because she refused to admit that she was nervous at Xiumin's presence. The previous hate for him was gradually melting away for some unknown reason and Minah kept thinking of how to clear her thoughts once more, just like she did before he found her at that spot.

"Where are your friends?" Xiumin asked. Minah didn't expect that; him starting the conversation.

"Why are you asking?" Minah asked back. She kept her eyes closed and voice calm, appreciating the serenity of the area. Everyone was still partying inside, but she preferred the quiet environment.

"I don't know." Xiumin was the opposite; eyes wide open for the stars above them. "It's a conversation starter, I guess."

Minah furrowed her eyebrows, but nevertheless kept her position. "Why would you want to start a conversation? I thought you don't like talking to me."

"Why do you sound so bitter?" Xiumin taunted.

Nobody dared look at the other, but answered with unbelievably emotional tones.

"I'm not bitter." Minah stated softly. "Since when did you get so chatty?"

"Since I finished that bottle of beer... I'm not sure."

"Oh, so you're drunk?"

"Not really, no." Xiumin cleared his throat and breathed in like Minah had been doing several times now. "I'm lightheaded... but not drunk."

"How are you gonna get home? Who's gonna drive?" Minah opened her eyes, but still didn't look at him. She was feeling a little awkward with him, despite how many times they've talked in the past. Maybe it was the fact that they're not throwing insults at each other now and speaking normally.

"I'm tipsy, Minah, not stupid." Xiumin spat. "If I know I'll be driving my car tonight, do you think I'd drown myself in alcohol?"

Minah subconsciously smiled and closed her eyes again, completely ignoring his rhetorical question. "It's so strange hearing my name from you."

"Why, what's so strange about that?"

"I don't know. It's just is." Minah giggled. Xiumin might be right about her being drunk anyways.

A few minutes of silence passed between them before anyone could gather the decency to speak.

"Can I ask you something? It's probably personal, but I'm not sure." Minah stated slowly. "It's okay if you don't want to answer."

"I bet it's a hundred percent personal, but go on." Xiumin shrugged.

"Eunri told me — "

"Eunri tells you a lot of things, doesn't she?"

"Let me finish!" Minah exclaimed and Xiumin nodded. He was still staring at the sky, a little anxious about what she had to ask. "Anyway... why is there M and K?"


"She said there used to be only one group of twelve." Minah explained. "Why did it have to be separated?"

Xiumin took a long while before sighing in defeat. He knew that with Minah's nosiness, she was going to ask sooner or later. He just didn't suppose it would happen sooner. "Well... Suho is an arrogant bastard and Kris is a cold-hearted asshole. In one way or another, they were bound to lock horns."

Egocentric [Book I]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن