Prologue - Invasion of Realms

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Theories suggest that there are multiple worlds existing parallel to each other. Different worlds with vastly unique settings and its own rules to abide by. It may seem impossible for people or other beings to cross over between separate dimensions. But, what if I told you there is a way? Despite the worlds being parallel to each other, they all have to meet up somewhere. You know, a central hub or terminus for the worlds to connect to? The hub for all of the worlds lies in a world that everyone knows as "Realmia", a peaceful place where people live in peace and worship the gods. However, the peace will not last for very long...

One day in the central plaza in the beautiful city within the world of Realmia, the people look up at the sky as it turns into an ominous red color. Suddenly, a dimensional tear appears in the sky. What pours from the tear in the sky are hideous monsters craving the blood of the people. The Realmians did not stand a chance against the mysterious threat. The few that hid away during the invasion has managed to sneak past the monsters to enter the Temple of Phados located further away from the plaza. Once inside, the people pray to their guardian deity to help them in their time of need. Unfortunately, the monsters somehow knew that the survivors were going to head for the temple, so they waited to ambush them. The once beautiful and peaceful world of Realmia, which has been the center of the realms, has fallen. It did not take long until the other worlds connected to Realmia to fall in the hands of the mysterious fiends.

And little do any of us know, the fate of Realmia will be intertwining with our own world. Something that we did not think it was possible. All I know is that our lives will never be the same again...

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