Internship part 3

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Over the next two weeks, Peter worked with Mr. Stark and occasionally Bruce Banner in Tony's personal lab. Keeping Spiderman a secret had been easier than expected, Peter just made sure to always keep his backpack zipped. One day however, there was a close call.

While Peter was walking to the subway, he received an alert on his phone, telling him about a nearby bank robbery. He hastily changed into his suit and webbed over there as fast as he could.

He took down most of the robbers without much difficulty, but the last one managed to sink a few good hits. Two in his stomach, and one on his face, quickly forming a nasty black eye. Just great, how was he supposed to explain this to Me. Stark?

Peter arrived only give minutes late to the Tower, which was pretty impressive. As he rode the elevator up to the lab, he tried to think of a good cover story.

When he entered the lab, he kept his head down. "Hey Pete." Mr. Stark called.

Peter didn't look up, "Hi Mr. Stark."



"Look at me."


He heard Tony sigh and walk over. Tony gently turned Peter's face so he could see it, "Gosh kid. What happened? That's a pretty good black eye..."

"I uh, I ran...into...a door. Yeah, like, full on ran into a door." Peter lied unconvincingly.

Tony stared at the kid, not believing a word he said. "Hey, who did you say your best friend was?"

"Uh, Ned Leeds. Why?" Peter asked confused.

"Just wondering. Let's get to work." In actuality, Tony planned to call this 'Ned' and ask him some questions. Tony suspected Peter's bruises could be from a bully.


It turned out, Tony was wrong about where the bruises came from. He was not wrong, however, about the bully. To say Peter was shocked (as was Flash), was an understatement. Tony stormed down the hallways, "I'm looking for a Eugene Thompson!" He was saying, quite loudly.

Upon hearing Tony Stark's voice, flash appeared from a side room, smug look on his face, "That would be me."

Tony turned toward him and Flash's face went slack with fear as he saw Tony's enraged expression. The billionaire pressed Flash into the wall with his forearm. "Listen you no good bag of dirt. If you ever bully, or even so much as look the wrong way at Peter, I will ruin your life. No college, no career, just a slimebag living on the streets. Understand?"

Flags hurriedly nodded, eyes huge with terror. "Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?" Peter's voice called out.

Tony released the bully, who promptly ran away, and turned to look at Peter. "Taking care of a bully. You're story yesterday, not convincing at all."

Peter groaned, "Ned told you didn't he? That's why you asked about him?"

"Yep," Tony replied, "see you at four kiddo." With that, Tony stalked off down the hall, leaving all the kids who had gathered staring a Peter; most of which had their phones out


Peter's day just kept getting worse. It was bad enough having everyone at school talk to him and try to be his friend, since he knew Tony Stark. All the noise was making his hearing go haywire. He had packed his nice clothes in his backpack so he could do some Spiderman-ing before the internship. He changed into his suit and began to patrol.

Later, as he was heading to Stark Tower, he heard commotion from a nearby alley. He swung into it, hoping to take care of this quickly. But Parker Luck wouldn't allow it. It appeared that a serious drug deal was going down but was starting to get messy. Weapons had been drawn; mostly guns but a few knives.


Hallway through the fight, considering how many armed men there were, Spiderman thought he was doing good with only one gun shot wound to the leg. Then the last to people just had to be the biggest.

By the time everyone was webbed to the ground or walls, Peter was in pretty rough shape. He had received two more bullet wounds and three stabs to the abdomen. There was only one place to go, that he thought could provide adequate care. Stark Industries.


Tony paced nervously, it was thirty minutes past when Peter should've arrived. Then he heard a smack against the balcony doors and whipped around.

There on his massive porch, was Spiderman. A very beaten and bloodied Spiderman. Sure, Tony had always wanted to meet the vigilante, but not under pretenses of death. As he flung open the door, Tony told Friday to summon Dr. Cho to the med bay. He was thankful she was at the Tower.

Tony supported Spiderman as they made their way to med bay. As he listened to the man's ragged breathing and wheezing coughs, he assumed a lung had been pierced. "Hey Spiderman, you don't seem to be breathing to well. We need to take off your mask."

Spiderman looked up at Tony and grabbed the mans shoulders, "N-no, you can't... Please.. no one can know..." Then he went limp, his eyes fluttering shut beneath his mask.

"Spiderman? Spiderman!" Tony ripped off the mask and looked upon the vigilante with horror. It was Peter.


Peter woke up later that night in a panic. He frantically looked around before realizing he was in Stark Tower's med bay. Then he reached at his face, only he didn't feel his mask. Just then Mr. Stark hurried into room.

"Mr. Stark, l-listen I can explain-"

"Oh thank Thor you're okay. Pete, I can't believe you're Spiderman. How come you didn't tell me?"

Peter sighed, "I don't tell anyone, not even my aunt. The only person who knows is Ned, well and now you. I-I understand if you don't want me as an intern anymore." Peter hung his head.

"Why wouldn't I want you as an intern? You're literally one of the smartest person I know. I just wish you had told me. I could've made you a better suit. One that could better protect you." Tony explained.

"So you won't tell my Aunt?" Peter asked hopefully, finally meeting Tony's eyes.

Tony sighed and sat on Peter's bed. "Peter,-" he began.

"Please Mr. Stark, she worries about me too much already and she's always so stressed out having to work two jobs."

Mr. Stark was silent for a long time but finally conceded, "Fine, I won't. But on one condition: you have to text me whenever you go out on patrol and come back in, if I don't receive the second text I'll track your new suit I'm going to make you. And if you get even so much as a paper scratch while Spiderman-ing you call me. You know, I think I'll just add that as a protocol since you'd think you'd be a bother, which you never are."

"Thank you so much Mr. Stark!" In a move that surprised them both, Peter gave Tony a huge hug.

And in an even more surprising move, Tony chuckled and hugged the kid back. "Of course.... Underoos."


Authors note:
That's then folks of this three-shot. Thanks for reading!
Lots of love,

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