Brothers of Asgard

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*Peter lives in Avengers Tower*

Today was the day Thor would be returning to New York. Don't get Peter wrong, he was excited to seem him, but his loud voice would quickly give him headaches. Peter was more excited to finally meet his brother, Loki. Sure there was the whole 'taking over New York' fiasco, but that was in the past.

Peter tossed his back pack on the couch and then went to the kitchen, and saw the brothers. "Man of Spiders!" Thor boomed, making Peter flinch slightly. Nobody noticed, he thought, "How are you, young one?"

"Hey Thor, I'm uh not too bad." Peter grabbed an apple, and sat down at the island.

"You don't look like a spider." A quiet voice said to his left.

Peter looked up, "Loki! Hi! I've always wanted to meet you, you're the god of mischief right?"

"You've heard of me? And still want to meet me?" He asked in disbelief

"Of course, I think you're really cool." Peter replied. The god made a 'huh' noise before leaving the room. Peter went over to the couch and started on his homework.


After dinner, Peter followed Loki around everywhere he went. Not stop talking and asking questions. Sure, the kid was... interesting... but he was quickly wearing on Loki's nerves. They had just entered the living area when Loki snapped, "Enough! You blabbering worthless mewling quim! Do you not know how to shut your trap for one measly second?"

When Loki turned he saw the innocent boy, his doe eyes filled with tears. "I'm sorry Mr. Loki," he whispered, as tears poured from his eyes. The boy covered his face, shoulders shaking, and quiet sobs could be heard.

Pretty soon everyone in the room, Thor, Tony, Natasha, and Steve took notice. "Loki! What did you do to the son of Stark?" Tony was to concerned and upset to correct Thor like he usually did, though secretly he wished Peter was his.

"He wore on my nerves, I snapped at him. How do I make it stop?" Loki asked exasperated.

"Beats me, this is your issue, you have to fix it Loki." Nat answered.

Loki sighed and turned, "Peter. Peter? Please don't cry, I'm sorry I insulted you. Peter?" The kid just kept crying. "I'm going to regret this..." Loki mumbled. In a flash of green light, a black munchkin cat appeared on the floor where Loki had been. The kitten rubbed it's nose on Peter's leg, making him look down.

Peter's eyes widened as he realized who the kitten was. "Loki?" He picked up the cat and held him close, petting him, "Oh my gods you are so adorable! I love magic!" Everyone took many photos of Peter and the kitten. Except Thor, he didn't know how to use the magical flat square.

Eventually, they managed to get Peter to set the kitten down who instantly transformed back into himself. "Well, that was-"

"The best thing ever! Thank you so much Mr. Loki, you're the best." Peter wrapped his arms around the god's waist. Loki froze and just stood there, but he finally returned the hug. Maybe this kid wasn't so annoying after all.


Authors note:
Thanks to friendofspiderman for the idea for this oneshot. Hope y'all liked it and thanks for reading.
Lots of love,

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