What are you saying?!

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*Anything in bold will be said in Russian, I just thought this would be a simpler way that copying and pasting everything, tell me if I should change it*

Steve was sitting at the table, eating breakfast and minding his own business, when the days of hell started. He watched as Bucky grabbed the hot sauce and turned to Natasha, saying something in Russian.

"Hey Nat," he asked while glaring at Sam, "what am I supposed to do with this sauce? Does it taste good?"

"It tastes amazing, put some on you're eggs," Natasha replied in the same language. "But might I ask why you're glaring at Sam like that?"

"I'm pretending to talk smack about him." Bucky answered while putting a little hot sauce on his food.

"Sounds like fun, I'll do the same to Steve," Natasha said, fixing Steve with her signature stare. Steve shifted uncomfortably in his seat and threw a worried glance at Sam. Wanda stood up from her seat in the living room and came to eat breakfast. She took a seat at the head of the table, between Nat and Bucky.

"I can't believe you're fake talking smack without me," she told them, looking between Sam and Steve, scowling. For ten minutes this continued, before finally Steve couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey Sam," he asked hurriedly, "want to go to the gym?"

Sam worriedly nodded, "Yeah, come on." The two stood but their movements were copied by Bucky.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked in a dark tone.

Sam visibly gulped, but said a not-very-confident, "Sure."


Wanda, Natasha, and Bucky would constantly talk in Russian when together, casting everyone else judgemental looks. Eventually however, less glares were cast at them, and the trio would just start randomly bursting out laughing.

Steve was cooking supper. He went to strain noodles and some of the hot water splashed on his hand. He hissed in pain and through the now empty pot at the wall. Natasha giggled and turned to Wanda, "He's cute when he's angry."

"Indeed he is." The two laughed some more, earning the eyebrows of disappointment from Steve.

The next day, Bucky and Natasha were sitting on the couch, watching Say Yes to the Dress when Steve walked past them, down the hall. Both looked at him. "If you tell him he has a nice ass, I bet he'll turn the color of your hair." Bucky said nonchalantly.

Natasha turned to look at him, "Want to test that theory?" The two waited an hour until Steve walked back, sweating. He had probably been at the gym. "Wish me luck."Natasha whispered to Bucky. She stood and walked over to him, as he drank a glass a water.

"Nice ass, Rogers." Natasha commented. Steve's eyes widened and he choked on his water. After he had finally gotten over his couching fit, he turned to look at Nat. Sure enough, his face was as red as her hair. "Uh-um-uhh y-you... You too..?" Natasha spun on her heals and barely made it to her room, where Bucky was waiting, before bursting out laughing. Bucky had been watching the whole thing on the TV. "You too? What the hell Steve." Bucky laughed to the air.


Steve had had enough. So he hired a Russian teacher. He was eventually able to somewhat tell what Wanda, Natasha, and Bucky were saying. Weeks later though, he heard something he wasn't prepared for.

Steve was the last one awake on Thursday night. He was walking to his room when he heard mumbles coming from Bucky's room. This wasn't unusual, Buck was probably having another nightmare, and talking while sleeping was a normal occurance for him. Steve walked over and was about to go inside when he heard something that made him freeze.

"Begging for your life won't make a single difference to me..." Bucky mumbled in Russian.

"B-buck? Bucky?" Steve hesitantly made his way inside the room. He wasn't sure what would happen if he tried to wake him up, or how he should. Steve walked until he was three feet from the bed, and repeatedly started calling his friends name. It took minutes, many more than usual, for Bucky to open his eyes. "Steve?" Bucky groaned, rubbing his face, "What are you doing?"

"A-are you alright Bucky?" Steve said, still slightly scared.

"Yeah, why?" Bucky questioned.

"N-no reason...Night, Bucky." Steve turned and walked quickly to his room.

"Goodnight Steve!"


Authors note:
Was kind of blanking on how to end this, hopefully this isn't terrible. Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think in the comments!
Lots of love,

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