Her Favorite Color

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This amazing oneshot was sent to me by my lovely sister friendofspiderman all credit goes to her!

Steve's POV

We sit holding hands as we gaze at the sunset on the balcony of the Avengers tower. "What's your favorite color?" Natasha asks me.

Gods, even the simplest questions she asks are so thoughtful. My lips curl into a small smile and I lift my hand to gently brush her hair back off her face. "Your eyes, as deep as the green of the forest. A forest I could just explore all day, go on a hike, maybe climb a tree." I wink at her, as her face crinkles into a laugh. I can tell she's flattered, but that she enjoys the joke as well.

She quips, "Wow, I sure hope that deforestation doesn't reach me anytime soon."

I shake my head, "Way to deflect a compliment, Romanoff."

"Rogers, that," she fires back.
I feel the urge to face-palm, but am also impressed by her quick wit.

"Yep. So I'll never win in a pun-off."

"Nope," she grins, satisfied with her victory.

"Okay, okay--Your turn. What's your favorite color?" I ask.

I watch as she takes a moment to think, biting her lip before closing her eyes, as if she's seeing something beyond our current reality.
Eyes fluttering open, she tells me, "Purple. But not like an in-your face sorta purple...Like the color the sky is at dusk during a storm. A soft, but fierce purple. And even though you can only see it in the middle of a storm, it carries a sense of hope with it. Or at least for me, it does. Cause all I think of is how you all came into my life in the middle of my storm, and--" she sighs, with such relief and depth, "you saved me there. And it just makes me want to save others and be that hope for them, too."

I'm completely captivated by her, and I only start to realize after she's stopped talking that my jaw was dropped in awe. "You do," I say, which causes her to look at me, with a gaze so filled with trust and love and longing I don't ever want to look away. "You save people. You give them hope... You give me hope."

Her eyes start to well up as I lean in to kiss her on the forehead, pressing her small frame into me in an embrace. I savor this moment, storing this memory of her favorite color in my mind. I smile to myself, and think, Well, I know what color stone will be on her engagement ring.


Authors note:
I really hope you liked it, please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Again, all credit goes to friendofspiderman.
Lots of love,

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