Making up

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November POV

I have not talked to Ace in a mouth and I miss him. I was in home room in the back of the classroom chilling with Drake my cousin.

"So who's that dude you keep looking at" Drake asked

"My ex but I still like him" I said

"You can tell he still feeling you" Drake said and I smiled.

I was talking to Drake but then Ms. Bragg need me to come over to where Ace and them where sitting at.

"Yes" I said

"Tell these boys don't play with me" Ms. Bragg said and I laughed

"Don't" I said

"Why not" Derrick said

"I got in a fight last year in this class room and I regret it" I said

"See I got connections too boys" Ms. Bragg said

"I heard that you was dating Drake" Eric said and I laughed

"What's so funny" Ace asked

"That's my cousin"I said

"OMG I could have told y'all that"
Ms.Bragg said to the boys.

School got let out early because the AC broke. I ran up stairs and put on my black basketball shorts and my red belly shirt.

I was sitting on the couch and I saw Mia's new puppy blue came in and I through I take her from a walk. Me and Blue walked to the park and we were walking around the track.

"November" I heard someone yelled so I turned around and I saw Raylee running to me.

"Hey baby girl" I said smiling

"I haven't seen you in a while" Raylee said looking at my with her pretty brown eyes

"I know baby girl" I said

" Raylee" I heard someone yell and I looked up and saw Ace running over here

"Don't run off like that" Ace said and Raylee rolled her eyes

"I wanted to talk to Nov" Raylee said

"Nov" me and Ace said

"Yeah I like it" Raylee said smiling

"Raylee go play while I talk to your Uncle" I said and Raylee ran off

"I'm sorry" I said

"Are you" Ace said showing no emotion

"It's not fault my dad took that lifestyle" I said and he sighted

"I know" Ace said

"So" I said smiling

"Ok your right" Ace said

"Always" I said

"Don't ever come outside with that on ever" Ace said and I laughed

"So what are we now" I said

"Friends" Ace said and I nodded my head

"Well I better get home" I said

"By" Ace said.

When I got home I put the puppy in her cage and I layed down and watched Tv but then I started think how me and Ace are making up.

*pic of Raylee*

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