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November POV

It is Saturday, turn up!!. It felt like the week went by so slow. I have been calling Ace all day but we won't pick up the phone. I decided to watch my favorite movie ATL so I can get Ace off my mind.

It was in the middle of the movie when I get a craving for ice cream. I walked down stairs to the kitchen and opened up the freezer and saw no ice cream. I was walking out the house and I noticed that I had on black sweat pants with a pink belly shirts.

"Forget it" I said shutting the house door.

I was at the store and I walking to the frozen aisle but something was telling me to go to the next aisle. I walked it the next aisle an saw Ace and some chick holding hands.

"Hey Ace" I said walking up to him and he looked like he was about to go to jail.

"Hey" the chick said

"Y'all date" I asked

"Yes" the chick said. I looked at Ace but he was still in shock.

"Well I guess I'll see y'all later" I said walking way. I was so mad that I didn't even get my ice cream that's how pissed I was.

I walked up stairs to my room and saw Mia sitting on my bed.

"Hey cupcake" Mia said

"I'm going to kill him" I said laying on the bed

"Who" Mia asked

"Ace" I said mad and Mia laughed

"Let me guess he was with a some chick" Mia said

"Yea and hair was like pink mash potatoes" I said crossing my arms

"Baby girl your dad was worst" Mia said

"How" I said

"One day on a Friday I did not go to school and your dad came over and we did something's and then on Saturdays we would go to the skating ring, I was running late and when I walked in I saw your dad and some chick doing what we did last night and guess what I did" Mia said

"I don't know" I said smiling

" I chocked her and then I walked off" Mia said

"Some what are you trying to say, I should chock her" I said and Mia laughed

"No, I'm saying no matter who he is with he will come back to you sometimes" Mia said and I pushed her.

"How's my brother" I asked

"He's coming home tomorrow"Mia said .

Mia left and I ended up falling asleep went I was watching my crazy love.

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