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November POV

Well today I am going to see what I'm having. I had my hair in a bun, with my red tank and my white ripped jeans and my red Jordan's.

I got in my car and turned on the heat. This new song by Nicki Minaj- Only came on.

"When I walk in sitting up straight idgf
If I was late" I sung. I wobble into the doctor office. I sat down and then they called my name and I got back up. I followed the nurse to the room I been coming to. I was looking around the room.

A few mins later Doctor J came in.

"So we get to find out the sex today" Doctor J said

"Yeah" I said. I lift up my shirt and she put the stuff on my belly and then rubbed the thing on there.

"Well your having Boy's" Doctor J said

"OMG!" I said. Doctor J got the stuff off my belly and I sat up.

"How have you been eating" Doctor J asked

"Good" I said

"Well in a few month you will be a mother" Doctor J said

"Yeah I'm excited" I said

"It won't be easy at first" Doctor J said

"I know" I said

"So are you going to college" Doctor J asked

"Yeah when the boys get at least 7 months" I said

"So what is your major" Doctor J asked

"Cosmetology" I said

"So we all know your kids hair will be ready to go" Doctor J said and I laughed

"Well I better let you go" Doctor J said

"Bye" I said walking out the door.

I drove straight over to my Dad's house. I knocked on the door and Mia opened it.

"How is the babies" Mia asked

"Well can I get in the house first" I joked and Mia moved out the way and I walked into the living room and sat down.

"Y'all better get down here before y'all miss out" Mia yelled. Dad and D was down here quick.

"What happen" Dad asked

"I'm having boys" I said

"Yassss!" D said doing a dance

"Boys run in y'all's family" Mia said rolling her eyes

"boys are better" I said

"Did you call Ace" Mia asked and I rolled my eyes

"No cuz when I called him a few months ago then he said that these were not his kids" I said

"Why didn't you tell" D asked

"Idk" I said. I left Dads house and went to my house. When I got home I called Grands.

"Hello" Grands said

"Hey grands" I said

"How was the doctor appointment" Grands asked

"Good, I'm having boys" I said said

"OMG! I should have known that" Grands said

"Yeah" I said

"Well baby I got to go" Grands said

"Ok bye" I said and I hung up the wphone. I was upstairs. In my room laying down. I looked down at my belly.

"Mommy's baby going to be big" I said rubbing my belly.

"I love my babies" I said smiling. I got up and went down stairs and I saw my neighbor having at party. I sat in the chair by the window laughed, at the people that were drunk.

"OMG! I hope I don't look like were I'm drunk" I said giggling. I sat up watching the party and then the cops showed up and everybody started running like ants and I was cracking up.

"Twins this teaches y'all a lesson, don't go to no party's" I said rubbing my belly. I watched the cops drag people out off the house all night.

November having twins!

Do you think November will be a good mother?

November was cracking up!

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