All I Ask of You

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You guys have no idea how irritating it is to write Erik and Ezra over and over again and not get confused! I really hope I did a little better with Erik's POV this time, as you've probably noticed I'm not all that great at writing through his eyes. He's a hard character to master, well at least to me he is.

I'm pretty sure I still haven't been given any rights to The Phantom of the Opera so........

Kat's POV

        Any feeling I had left in my toes was gone. They were curled up in my shoes and I was honestly afraid to move them, thinking they'd probably fall off. I'd been standing in the same spot for the past hour having a staring contest with a man standing across the street. Considering I was on the roof, in the wind, and he was on ground level, I figured he'd win once I froze to death.

        It was snowing and the wind was blowing fiercely. I wasn't wearing anything but a dress, two pairs of tights, my new cloak and mask, and some extremely uncomfortable shoes. The sky had gone from a beautiful array of pastels to pitch black in what seemed like seconds.

        My head felt like it was going to explode. I woke up this morning to Meg banging on my door and from there it only got worse. Between Christine's ranting about her kidnapper, Andre and Firmin's ass kissing, and Carlotta's loud mouth I couldn't take anymore. 

        I wonder when Tylenol will be invented.

        I turned my copy of Pride and Prejudice over in my hands. I'd found it my room, hidden away in a small drawer. My whole plan had been to come up here early so I could sit and read, alone. Then I noticed the man across the street, watching me just like he is now. It was the man Ezra and I had encountered in town yesterday. 

        Not really sure what to do, I simply stared back. 

        The music downstairs had been playing for about twenty minutes now and I expected Ezra to be popping up anytime.

        I was beginning to shiver and my nose was running. I decided that it might be in my best interest to wait inside for a while. Just as I reached the door it flung open and out came Ezra.

        "Sorry I'm late. Bouqet disappeared and I was the only person available to help." He said, shutting the door and whisking away any chance I had of thawing out.

        "It's fine. You're not the only one." I sniffled and hugged my cloak closer around my shoulders.

        Concern flashed in his eyes then vanquished with a cheesy grin. "Ah, so our uptight stalker hasn't made an appearance yet?"

        "No the 'uptight stalker' was waiting for the audacious moron to show up." 

        We both turned to where Erik was striding over to us from behind a large statue in the corner. Ezra shot him a dirty look which he returned instantly.

        I slipped my mask of and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "How long have you been back there?"

        "Long enough." He said and glanced toward the spot I'd been standing the past hour or so. I made a mental reminder to ask him if he'd seen the man on the street later.

        Erik showed us where his passage to and from the roof was, then left through it saying he had to take care of something real quick. 

        "So what did you two do down there? While you were incognito, I mean." Ezra looked up at me from his spot on the ground. 

        I leaned against the wall just below one of the huge windows that lined it. "What are you talking about?"

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