There is no truth in lies

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So, another cover. A friend of mine helped me make it on my phone today. I realize it's a bit out of focus and fuzzy, but do keep in mind that it was done on an Android One, just saying.....

Today I decided to watch Love Never Dies for the first time and all I can say is WTF!!!! But I still loved it, especially the drunken Raoul, muhwahahahahahaha!!!!!

The Phantom of the Opera is still not in my possession.

Ezra's POV

        I left the lair through the passage that ended near the dorms. They were closer to the stage, which is exactly where I was headed. I wanted to figure out what all that screaming had been about earlier.

        The halls were dark and quiet but the closer I got to the stage the more that silence was broken. The new managers were running around frantically while a herd of police stood in a circle around something covered in a white sheet. I slipped through a back entrance that only the stage hands knew of and slowly made my way to center stage. 

        I was two feet from the sheet when a officer noticed me. 

        "What are you doing?" He said trying to sound intimidating.

        I put on my best innocent bystander act. "I'm a stage hand, sir. I heard all the commotion earlier and simply wanted to know what had happened."

        He let out a shallow breath, losing the authoritative composure. "Well in that case, would you mind identifying the body for us? Those two haven't really been of much help." He pointed towards Andre and Firmin.

        "Body?" I asked seriously, although I couldn't help but smile a little at his comment.

        "Yes, a man was killed during the show." He motioned to the sheet that lay just feet from us. "The poor bastard was hung from right up there." 

        I followed his finger as he pointed to the rafters above. "If it will help, I suppose I can take a look."

        I couldn't help but cringe a little at the thought. The last thing I wanted to do tonight, or ever, was look at a dead man. Though my curiosity got the best of me as I followed the man to the crowd of people. 

        "I hope you have a strong stomach." The officer mumbled as he reached for the corner of the sheet. He pulled the sheet back just enough for the me to see the man's face.

        Any feeling I had of remorse disappeared as I gazed down at the body of Joseph Bouqet. It wasn't really gruesome or near as bad as the officer had made it out to be. My first thought was that the pig deserved it and maybe more. His death really didn't seem to effect me, I'd never liked him anyhow.

        I cocked my head to the side as I muttered. "His name is Bouqet, he was a stage hand like myself."

        The officer pulled the sheet back in place and stood. "Do know of anyone who may have wanted this man dead."

        Yes officer, a handful of women. "No, I do not." I lied.

        "Well I suppose that's all we need from you then." He said and glanced toward the other officers for approval. "Be on your way."

        I simply nodded dully and headed straight for my room. Once I reached it, I shut the door and began pacing. It was a nervous habit of mine. 

        Who would do such a thing? I mean yes, the man had it coming but why here and now? As much as I wanted to lay the blame on Erik, something told me otherwise. I continued pacing until the sound of door opening made me freeze. 

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