Chapter 11: Oh, Dear Sister

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I know, this pic looks like absolute crap, I was in a rush.. and I was supposed to sleep instead of writing (or drawing) but I just had to finish it so... Let's get started on this chapter.

She crashlanded just a few yards away from some base, on a total strange planet.. all alone. Who knew what kind of base it was? She just wished it wasn't a Galra base.
"Ugh," she groaned as she sat straight to get a better look at her surroundings, "where the quiznqk am I?"
She tried to get her lion up, but it wasn't responding.
"Yeah, you must be exhausted of that battle," Maisey sighed, "Allura, Keith, Lance? Anyone? Do you copy?"
No response, there was no way she could reach out to the others. The Galra must have messed with their wormhole somehow.
"Maybe if I just wait here they will come and help," Maisey said hopeful, but she had to rethink that since that was almost never the case, "or something will come and try to kill me.. Which is more likely."
She sat in total silence for a moment, until several small ships were making their way towards her. She stared at the incoming ships anxiously and held up her bayard in case she needed to protect herself.
"I am commander Oqix of the rebellion in section zilion, it is an honor to have the white lion here," someone said through her communicator.
"Rebellion? Against the Galra?"
"Yes," the commander replied.
"I had no idea those even excisted," she said relieved, "I need to contact the other Paladins, is there a way you can help?"
"There might be, since your lion is out we can take you to our base with our ships," the commander said.
"That would be great, thanks," Maisey said and she got out of her lion to meet with a three eyed alien species. He had orange dots from his forehead to his chin in an exact line and he was rather tall with a stern look on his face.
She assumed he was Oqix the commander so she shook hands with him.
"Nice to meet you," Maisey said, "I am sorry for barging in like this, we had a little accident with wormholing away from Zarkon's main fleet and we got separated. I haven't been able to contact them with my lion, perhaps you can help."
"We will see what we can do, please come with me," Oqix said as he waved at her to follow after him.

They had tried to contact the others, but no signal came through, she just had to hope that they would find her because she could not find them.
"So how long have you been rebelling against Zarkon?" Maisey asked Oqix.
"For decapheebs now, not with much succes," Oqix answered.
"We have been able to get our hands on some camera footage, and just some Galra Intel, but it's not much," Famae said as she sighed. However that brought up a question.
"Do you have any footage of commander Sendak's ship the day he came by Kerberos somewhat over a year ago?" Maisey questioned.
"I'm not sure, but I can look," Famae answered, "may I ask why that is important?"
"My sister was there," Maisey answered, "she got captured, but escaped."
Even if Sendak had truely blown her up, she needed to know for sure, even if that meant having her heart torn open again. Maybe she had false hope, but she refused to believe she was dead until she had some footage to prove her death.

"What do you think stars are?" Avrigg asked her. The sisters had sneaked up to the roof to watch the comet that would soar through the sky that night.
"Balls of gass, millions of lightyears away from here," Maisey answered as they stared at the sky.
"Come on Tiny, use your imagination," Avrigg chuckled, "don't listen to what science says it is, we haven't been there so how would we know it's gass? I just don't buy it."
"Well, than what do you suggest it is?" Maisey asked as she quirked a brow at her older sister.
"Solar systems, like ours, with life," Avrigg answered, "I hope I can prove that one day."
"Do you have a logical explanation for your theory?" Maisey asked.
"No, that's the fun about theories," Avrigg snorted, "they remain theories, until it is proven otherwise."
"Good luck proving that, we haven't even gotten further than Neptune," Maisey scoffed.
"I know, I was on that mission," Avrigg shrugged, "it is so cold there I could swear if you'd bring skates there they would freeze into the ground."
"Only you would think of skates when you're on a planet that nobody else had ever set foot on before you," Maisey laughed, Avrigg always had such things.
"There it comes!" Avrigg said and the sisters sat close, watching the beautiful comet pass.
"That's the fun about space," Avrigg said, "there is so much to explore. I don't think we'll ever be done with exploring the universe."

"Here it is," Famae said. Maisey sat closely, staring at the screen on which the footage was being played.
She could see Matt and Sam get excited over ice samples while Shiro was holding the machine. Avrigg however was plotting mischief as she picked the ice and molded it into a ball. But before she could throw that ball to Shiro, Sendak's fleet flew in and captured the four.
It took a few minutes and all she could hear was her own heart pounding, nervous for what would happen after.
A fighter ship flew out, all alone and it tried to get away. And for a second Maisey believed that the ship would be fine, she was getting more hope. But Sendak didn't lie. He did blow up the ship and it fell to Kerberos. After that the footage started glitching and the screen went black. Maisey's eyes were burning from tears, her heart was aching and her breaths were itchy. Yet her mind was empty, what she just saw wasn't entering her mind just yet.
"Are you allright?" Famae's voice echoed in her head as the footage was on repeat inside her head.
Maisey stood straight and looked at all the rebels, what now?
"Thank you for your help," Maisey said, "I will make sure to tell the Paladins that you will be a part of the voltron coalition in this fight against Zarkon."
Maisey looked at the floor. She felt sick.
"I gotta go now, however," she didn't wait for anyone to say something, she stormed off.. she didn't take a ship to get to her lion. She ran and she kept running, like her life depended on it.
Before her lion she fell down on her knees and cried out.
"Oh, dear sister," Maisey sobbed, "I miss you."
Before she entered her lion she took off her helmet and vomited every bit of food she had in her stomach on the muddy ground below her. She was panting heavily as she shakingly entered her lion to wait for the Paladins to find her.
She sat there in her lion, crying her eyes out as nobody came to bother her.
She saw the Castle wormhole there and she groaned. Now she'd have to explain what was bothering her, she just wished it would be done quickly so she could go to bed and be left alone.
Allura first went to talk to Oqix about their new alliance.
Once it was done Allura and Maisey walked to the bridge. Allura knew that something was up with Maisey since she was surprisingly quiet and pale. All the color from her face was drained, her eyes were red and swollen and she was shaking heavily.
Oqix had however told Allura what had happened, how Avrigg, Maisey's sister, truely was dead all that time and Allura had inform the Paladins about the situation, so they would not be unprepared to see a devastating Maisey, who seemed stuck in her own thoughts.. something which Allura assumed were not good ones. She was just thankful for Allura who took it upon herself to inform the others so she didn't have to, because she wouldn't even know where to start.
When they walked onto the bridge something happened. Something unexpected.
Keith had wrapped his arms around Maisey and it left everyone shocked for a moment, Maisey started sobbing into his chest as she held onto Keith tightly. For some reason it felt good to let out her emotions in Keith's arms.
That's when the others started joining in on the group hug. All to comfort her.
She had lost her family, but now that she was here hugging with these people she felt sloghtly better. They let her know that she wasn't alone in this.
Voltron was her new family.

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