Dead by Daylight

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"Well, That was an enlightening conversation wasn't it?" Farcry tilted his head towards Jack.

Jack gave him a are you serious face. "Really? I don't know anything about you."

Farcry frowned under his mask. "Then ask away."

Jack looked skeptically at him. "Alright, Who were you? Autobot or Decepticon?"

Farcry leaned back. "Decepticon, formally. I was special ops for any mech that needed a professional.

Jack let out an audible gulp. The former con rolled his optics. "I have not harmed you so far. Stop worrying."

"You nearly dropped me!"

"Nearly! Nearly is the word, and I would not allow for that. You were too valuable to allow for such a tragedy. Especially when I was out numbered and out gunned." Farcry explained. He was playing with his digits. Picking at the scraped metal on the tips.

"Any more questions?" Farcry tilted his head.

Jack looked him in the optic. "How many did you kill? How many Autobots?"

Farcry stopped picking at his digits, looked up. Then gave him look. "What?"

Jack repeated himself. "How many Autobots did you kill?"

"I lost count after Kalis. It was a massacre." He reached over and pulled out a huge knife.

Jack jumped back. "So jumpy. I am not going to kill you."

He threw the knife in the vague direction of Jack. "I survived because an Autobot stabbed me with it."

Jack gave him a look of doubt. "How would getting stabbed save you?"

"It pieced a main fuel line. Allowing me to leak out freely and very fast. It also allowed for the toxins to never reach my spark. You see, I didn't know this at the time but turned out someone had launched a poison shot to my leg and I didn't know it."

Jack seemed dumbfounded by the little tale he was told.

"You got lucky." Was all he managed.

Farcry shrugged. "Perhaps. Or maybe the afterlife looked at me and said put it back. Take your pick."

Farcry stood and walked over to the human. He extended a servo to him. "Hope on. I bet your team is worried sick. Especially the femme. What's with you and her anyway? Seem pretty fond of her."

Jack was standing on his hand when he heard the question. "Umm, nothing. We just work together is all."

Farcry nodded. "Mmhmm. Sure, you know I'm not against inter-species relationships right? I mean, I knew a few mechs and all-"

"Stop! Please." Jack pleaded.

"Alright, Alright. I'll get you back to her." He laughed at his own joke.

"Here we are. The main exit and entrance." He placed Jack down.

"I left some contact information in your device by the by." He told Jack. It was really contact info. Along with a tracker and transmitter. Recording device under the surface of the phone and all but who needed to know. Right?

"Oh! With the Decepticons, good luck." Farcry said over his shoulder. He waved his servo nonchalantly.


"Wait, so you're telling us he was a in the city Kalis when it fell. He just generously gave you contact information and not only that but he's special ops and you didn't think to ask I'm what?!" Arcee grilled Jack.

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