33% If I'm Right

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Time skip. After TMI. During Faster Stronger. I will skim it so you don't read an episode. Just memory jogs and info to process the OC.

"Yo Darby! Where'd your father go?!" Vincent yelled across the front of the school. Course he had to yell that.

A large semi rolled into the parking lot. A man in his 40s stepped out. He had salt and pepper stubble beard. He wore dark jeans and a jacket. He did have an eye patch on.

"Jack, we gotta get back home. Cee'll have my head if we're late." He told him. Jack sent a silent prayer to Primus and walked over.

Farcry threw the keys to Jack. Farcry walked to the passenger door and got in. Jack pulled himself in. He looked to Farcry. "Relax I'll get us out of here smoothly. All you have to do is look like you're driving."

On Farcry's ship he walked down the halls. He'd now been allowed to do light work, or in this case visit his ship for a bit and pick up Jack. He'd turned off all communication except for emergencies. He was relocating his ship somewhere else. If what the DJD said was true about them scanning the ship then moving it regularly would be smart. Also to keep it from the base.

Mostly organizing information and going through old memories of the DJD. Something to give him the edge on fighting 5 mechs, 1 femme, and a turbo fox. Knowing the battle is one thing, acting on the knowledge is another. One that Farcry did not want to do.

He walked through a door and to a body in a tank. It was similar to him but the main difference was the T-cog. Three forms. Bipedal, tank, and jet. No fancy extra forms like in this body.

A simple check of it to make sure everything was in order. He smiled and placed a large servo on the glass. Lifeless optics stared at him. Almost tracking his movement.

He opened a bridge back to base. Ratchet was out cold on the floor. Farcry ran to him gently removing Raph from his chest. He carried him to a berth and lated him down. "Raph talk to me. What happened?!"

He was checking his pulse. Two digits on his neck. Farcry listened to Raph explain how he took an experimental synthen. Farcry sigh and placed both servos on the medics arm. "And you tell me not to push myself."

He heard Ratchet starting to stir and shot up. Bringing Raph along with him to Ratchet. "How are you feeling?"

Ratchet stood up and did some basic motions and nodded. He looked at his stats and saw they were though the roof! He felt like a freight train! Unstoppable and ready to unleash fury on the Decepticon regime or some shit like that. Who cared he is ready!

Farcry took a step forward. "Woh, take it easy it's the drugs talking. Sit down and let it run through your systems. Ok?"

He turned to Farcry. "Sit down?! Really?! We are scraping the bottom of the barrel and I created a substitute for energon and I need to sit down? This could tip the war in our favor."

Farcry sigh. "Please, be carful."

"Like you're carful when you do your job." Ratchet huffed.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing!" Ratchet exclaimed. "I have to work now. So out!"

Farcry brought Raph to his room and placed him on the table. Raph looked at him. "What was that about?"

Farcry sigh. "The synthetic stuff isn't good. The formula was incomplete and he's trying it on himself. This will not end well."

"Why not stop him?" Raph asked.

"Wish It were that easy. But I fear only Optimus will be able to do that. Considering he listens to him and not his own thoughts." Farcry's knee was bouncing against his wishes.

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