Wait What?

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"Optimus I got a signal! Very faint." Ratchet told Optimus. He looked at the screen. He punched in the coordinates and activated the groundbridge as they ran through. The humans watching as the team disappeared.

When they ran through they saw a sight one could live without ever seeing in their life. Farcry was laying on the ground missing body parts and leaking profusely. Optics were gone and lower jaw was torn off. They found it a few paces from him.

Ratchet ran to Farcry and checked for a pulse. Farcry grabbed the arm touching him. That scared the holy hell out of the medic. A stream of growls and gurgles were made by him as his grip loosened. Ratchet tried his best to comfort him. "Farcry it's Ratchet. We're here to take you back to base."

Then he felt tapping on his wrist. Not just random tapping but morose code. He paid attention to it and realized something. They need a cortical psychic patch.

Ratchet would need to get Farcry through through the bridge and stable. Only then could he begin to see just what Farcry truly wanted. All he said in the code was C P patch.

He assumed it meant the same patch Shockwave creates and was banned by Autobots. He gulped as Farcry was moved through the groundbridge. This would not be easy.

The humans ran down as Bulk and Optimus pulled what looked like the remains of Farcry onto a table. Optimus and Bulkhead were holding him down as Ratchet grabbed a pair of what looked to the pliers. But more realistically to there size tweezers. He ran back with a scalpel as well.

Raph watched what Ratchet was doing. Looked like he was going to remove something. Miko could only look at the carnage. His fucking guts were showing practically handing out of him! Surgery whilst awake as well! Jack just stared at them. Ratchet was a great medic. Ratchet told him he was the CMO when he'd talked to him before. Farcry would pull through.

A yell pulled them from there thoughts as Farcry pulled against the two bots holding them down. Ratchet dropped something on the table. "Call nurse Darby to take them home! I need to focus."

That's when the humans knew it was time to leave. "But a team member is dying and you want us to leave?!" Miko argued.

Ratchet pulled his servo from Farcry's chest cavity. Pointed an energon covered digit at her. "I have no time for bullshit!"

Ratchet and Optimus were pulling out shell fragments and bullets. Bulkhead was holding him down. Entering stasis in that condition might not allow him to wake up.

Eventually Ratchet was done, after hours of work with no breaks. He put his tools down and nearly dropped. He was tired. But he still had work to do. After all, no rest for the wicked.

He called everyone over. "Before Farcry went into shock he used morose code. C P Patch. I can only assume he meant cortical psychic patch."

Arcee spoke after that shocking news bomb. "Ratchet are you serious? We did that once to save Optimus. It was banned by Autobots. Besides we don't even have one."

Ratchet sigh as he turned to the area Farcry was currently in. "He has information on how to take out the DJD. Along with what ever else he might know."

Bulkhead stepped forward. His servo put in saying halt. "Wait a minute Ratchet. You're telling us there was a way to take out the DJD and he didn't tell us?"

Optimus placed a hand on the Wrecker's shoulder. "He told Ratchet and I when he initially arrived. He requested it be kept secret unless the absolute need arose. He feared your reactions, and the reactions of the DJD if they found out."

Bee let out a few questioning beeps. He jester led to the team and himself. Optimus listened to the scout before saying anything. "That is because he doesn't know the codes himself. He wanted to be sure when they were activated. So in order for the codes to be viable someone from the outside would need to go into his mind. Where he would store the codes is unknown. A secret so secure not even he knew it."

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