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The humans were running from MECH. Shouting could be heard in the distance along with the rev of truck engines.

Raph held his phone up. "I sent them a message but all the iron in the surrounding area is making it difficult."

As they ran they found themselves against a chain link fence. Razor wire on the top. It was to high any way. They turned to see MECH getting out of their vehicles. Silas at the head of the demented pack.

"Why hello Jack, last time we met I believe your mother was around." Silas said leasurlly.

Miko grabbed a pipe from the ground and Jack did as well. "You leave us alone you creep!" Miko Yelled, pointing the blunt object at him.

"You got spunk. I'll give you that." He turned to Jack, who had a protective arm over Raph. "Do I need to pull your partner apart in order for you to get the message?"

"You'd do it irregardless if we surrendered or not." Jack countered. He wanted to make sure Raph was behind him.

He still had his hand behind him. To anyone watching it seemed he was a protective big brother but Raph was handing him a pistol. Small gift from Farcry and his advanced 3D printer.

It took a lot of convincing and a few videos of how interrogations went for Jack to begrudgingly agree to carry it part time. Obviously not in school and even for the few hours he held it he felt uncomfortable. Something Farcry was trying to get Jack used to having.

Jack looked back and nodded ever so slightly before opening fire at the enemy. 2 hit Silas in the chest but one missed. Too bad the fucker was wearing body armor.

Jack and Raph went to their left at Miko dove to the right. The chain link fence was easily crushed as Farcry rolled over it in tank form firing away.

An RPG was fired and Farcry transformed and backhanded the missle. He threw grenades everywhere and shot like a maniac. The goal was to confuse and kill if possible. There were humans to deal with. He transformed into a sleek mustang and opened the doors. The humans ran in. Jack being last up ensure the other two made it in first.

Farcry drove off the cliff and inside started shifting the seats retracting and new controls now becoming present. They were now in a jet.

"Got Ralph's message. You really are lucky. You know that?" He said.

"Now why were you all in a factory at 23:00?"

"MECH got the jump on us when we were at school." Miko told him.

"Gunshots were what told me to come through. How'd you handle it?" Farcry asked Jack.

Jack nodded. "It was fine."

Farcry sigh. "You didn't kill him. Did a scan of the area. Everyone was alive. Must of been wearing body armor.... you saved everyone there. Don't feel bad."

"I let the bots know I got you. They're expecting us back so get your stories right. Jack you fired you sidearm so get ready to have full blown investigation.... if you decide to tell them. At very least Agent Fowler will want to know all there is on MECH." He informed them.

Miko was shocked. "Farcry's bern giving you lessons and you never told me?!" She demanded.

"It wasn't what I wanted Miko!" Jack countered. He really didn't want it but couldn't be more thankful that he had it to help them.

A ping went off on the dashboard interrupting their conversation.

He started shifting to the right. "Where are we going?" Raph asked.

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