Skin To Bone, Steel To Rust

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Jack had just met Farcry in his mind. A full sentient version of him. Not just a memory, him. Now where to go next. There's another set of numbers.

He walked into another room. "At the bottom of everything" by bright eyes was playing. He knew because Farcry told him it was his favorite song from humans, though the Empyrean Suite was his true favorite.

Farcry swayed back in forth making something. He poured liquid in the vials and into flasks. He tapped a powder into the liquid and put the final jar on a shelf where 4 other cylinders were. 5 cylinders in total.

Farcry smiled. He loaded a gun with the an empty cylinder that had a needle at the end and smiled. He turned to Jack and shot the gun.

Jack stumble back looking for a wound. Then backed into a wall. The presents of the wall caused him to spin around and he saw a target. With the bullseye shot out. "Don't stand a chance. Eh right Tarn?"

Jack stood there motionless. "That was the third time he mentioned days he served with the DJD. Now how do I leave?"

Jack took a final look around until he saw an old picture on the wall. It had Farcry and the DJD. They seemed so happy. Jack was both disgusted and happy. But sad at the same time. Knowing Farcry had been through hell and back to do the right thing, and his reward was his former team hunting him down.

One of the glass beakers fell and a cracking noise filled the air. When he looked at it it shown a bright white light. When Jack focused on it it got brighter. Then there was  sensation of a tingling mess of confused nerves and blur. Until it all made sense to him once again.

He was starring at the base's ceiling. The bright lights shining directly into his eyes giving him a headache to remember. He went to sit up but the pain intensified tenfold and he laid back down. "Take your time Jack. Your mind is still getting used to being it's body again."

Ratchet paused. "We saw everything." He looked at Farcry. Laying in his medical bay. The way to kill him is by doing nothing. Optimus took the initiative and activated his gun.

He looked at Ratchet for conformation if what he was about to do. Ratchet honestly didn't really want to say anything. Could Farcry ever be redeemed after what they saw. He enjoyed ruthlessly killing all those bots and ex cons. He was laughing with the DJD and hunting down bots in his youth.

Then again he was only trying to survive and the twisted government gave way to others like him. Reduced to nothing and raised by the streets. Taken advantage of and eventually so broken they were forever unfixable. No wonder the DJD didn't frighten him. Can't break what's already broken.

Jack spoke up. "42% is better than no percent Optimus."

The Autobot leader turned back to Farcry. "There is no other way Ratchet?"

"No Optimus. He'd dying. Missing half his organs and the internal damage has been done." Ratchet informed him.

Optimus aimed at the spark chamber. No protection after Tarn was through with him. Optimus took a breath and prayed for Farcry before taking the shot. Even though the intention was clearer than day everyone still flinched at the shot.

"All we can do is wait. If we interrupted the process now it could result in amnesia or functionality loss." Ratchet informed them. So no one would question why he couldn't help further.

Explosions went off! Hearing was probably damaged permanently. Optimus braced himself over the 3 humans to protect them from falling debris.

The bots could only do so much. "We've had 2 breaches! One in the main entrance and one up top!" Ratchet yelled over the chaos.

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