You Love Me

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Farcry was working on the groundbridge he had thrown together. It worked fantastic but he was unhappy with the way the the last jump sounded like. He'd not used it so much over the years. Normally he'd go there in the metal with his ship. Always keep it with him. Even when it was like an elephant in the room. Big and loud. Drew attention and was glutton for fuel. Luckily he had solutions for the fuel issue.

The groundbridge had taken him almost a week. The calibrations would need to be reset and the power charge. Poor thing was being overworked and underpaid. Another long distance jump and it might of fried the mainframe! Good thing he knew his equipment.

Either that or let it run on energon but that wasn't the best of options. It was designed to not need energon after all. Simply a last resort if all went wrong. Like a human running on pure carbs. Fine temporary solution if proper fuel isn't around but eventually the body will show its displeasure. Or in this case, a groundbridge.

He walked over to the control center of the ship. There was a message received about an hour ago. He opened it and saw it was from Raph. Jeez he was popular. Team Prime was addicted to his ass.

The message simply stated to go to base. He sent a message back to them, slight annoyance in his typing. The keys didn't deserve the abuse.

Raph: Come to base, please! The team is in trouble

Farcry: Not my beer

Raph: Please come.

Farcry: How am I supposed to go to base if I don't know where you are?

Raph: sending bridge

Farcry ran though. He looked around and saw the team. They were short two bots. Big guy and the yellow and black one. "Where's the wrecker and the kid?"

"MECH got them when we were split up." Ratchet informed. Bulkhead and Bumblebee were gone.

"Shit, if what you tell me is true about the bastards then we have no time to waste." Farcry turned to the bridge.

Nothing was happening. "What? We gonna talk about our feeling now? Come the hell on! Unless you want them to lose their optics as well." A reference he patted himself on the back for.

Optimus had slight displeasure on his face. "We need a plan before advancing."

Farcry groaned and turned around. He rubbed his servos together in anticipation. "Shoot, chief!"

He activated a timer on his wrist and tapped. "Just so we know how much time is being wasted. We still need to scout the area."

Optimus explained. "Raph will bridge us to their last known location. You and Arcee will pair up. Ratchet and I stay together. We will report every 10 minutes to ensure no one is in danger or if something is found."

Farcry nodded and clapped his servos together. He pointed to the groundbridge. "So we ready to roll out and save your team?"

The area was barren and cold. A harsh wind blew against his armor. Arctic weather probably. Why couldn't it be in Hawaii or the Bahamas? Why a place Farcry wouldn't freeze his circuits off.

There were tracks in the snow. He looked around and saw they went west. But there was another set that went east. The sun was setting. Not much daylight left.

"I'm getting an energon signal from the west." Ratchet told them.

"Then that is where we will be heading." He told the others.

Farcry crouched down and looked at the tracks. The snow was pushed in to the point it was ice. He could see his reflection in the frozen H2O.

He looked at the other path. It was the same. Except there was the thinnest blanket of snow on the tracks. They definitely had a nice imprint. Better than the other ones.

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