Ice Cream

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A/N: If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to give 'em haha I know I said this but yeah just if you have any they're appreciated haha


"Harry!" Louis shouts.

Harry spins around with Lux in his arms. He took her out for ice cream and didn't expect to see Louis Tomlinson!

Louis runs up to him.

They greet one another with a hug and Louis kisses Harry's cheek.

"How are you? Feels like the only time I talk to you is through twitter!"

Harry laughs, "That's because it is. But I'm great and you?"

"I'm fantastic! I mean, I ran into you, didn't I?"

Harry smiles at him.

"Hansum!" Lux shouts.

"What was that, Lux?" Harry asks.

She points at Louis, "Hansum!"

"Handsome?" Harry asks her and Lux nods.

Harry smiles at Louis, "She thinks your handsome."

"Yeah? Well, you're quite the beauty, aren't you?" Louis asks Lux.

She giggles and nods. She sticks her arms out to Louis and Louis takes her, "What's your name?"

"Lux!" She shouts, "You name?"

"My name is Louis Tomlinson."

"Lou like momma!"

"We call her mum Lou." Harry explains.

"Lou-ee." Lux tries to say Louis' name.

"No, love, it's sounds like Lou-wee."

"Lou-ee! Lou-wee! Lou-wee! Louis!" She manages to get out.

Louis high fives her, "That's exactly it, Lux! Good job!"

Harry smiles at Louis and Louis grins back.

"So, what're you doing out here in LA?" Harry asks.

"Well, I came to watch my favorite artist preform one of his biggest concerts." Louis replies as Lux plays with the strings of his sweater, "But might I ask why you're out and about the day before your concert? Shouldn't you be preparing?"

"I just wanted to get away from all that stress." Harry explains, "Plus, Lux wanted ice cream."

"Ice cream!" She shouts.

"Well, I like ice cream too. Can I join you two?"

Lux immeadiately nods and so does Harry.

"So, where exactly are you going for ice cream? At Santanas?" Louis asks as they start walking.

"Well, um...I dunno...we're kind of lost." Harry tells him, cheeks heating up.

"Oh." Louis starts laughing, "That's so cute."

Harry pouts, "Being lost isn't cute."

Louis smiles at him, "Well, you're cute and your lost so that makes lost cute. Get me?"

Harry blushes, "Yeah."

Louis smiles at him again and then Lux is asking him questions about how old he is.

"I'm nineteen and you?"


Harry watches them talk and Louis is so good with kids. Louis seems to be the kind of guy that wants kids.

They keep walking and talking until they're at Santana's.

"What're you going to get?" Louis asks Harry.

Harry bites his lip as he thinks about it, "I'm going to get a banana split."

"Ah, yes. I've heard how much you love your bananas!" Louis teases.

Harry blushes, "They're a good source of potassium."

Louis laughs out, "You're so cute."

"I get cholate chip!"

"Chocolate chip?" Louis asks and Lux nods.

"Well, I'm going to get a banana and and strawberry shake."

They order and Louis insists that he pays since he tagged along with them. So, Louis pays.

Louis holds Lux in his left arm and his shake in the other as they walk and talk.

"So, how's that shake?" Harry asks.

"Amazing! Try it!" Louis holds it near his mouth and holds it as Harry takes a drink, "What do you think?" Louis asks with a big grin.

Harry nods, "That's good stuff!"

"I try!" Lux says and she takes drink. She makes wide eyes and she giggles, "It's good!"

Louis smiles at her, "Next time you can get one!"

"Really?!" She asks and Louis nods.

Harry secretly hopes that there is a next time because he's having a great time. Too bad it's not a date.


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