Talk to him

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"Harry!" Liam shouts into the apartment. He hasn't heard from Harry in nearly three days which is along while for them to go without at least a text message.

Liam heard soft cries and hiccups and he quietly follows them to Harry's bedroom. He finds his friend curled up and crying into his blanket, "Harry," Liam breathes out softly. He doesn't know what to say so he walks over to the bed and sits down. He puts a hand on Harry's back and rubs comfortingly, "What's wrong, H?" Liam asks softly.

Harry waits until his cries have died down a little before sniffling and answering Liam's question, "L-Louis and into a fight." Harry stutters out.

"What? Did you guys break up?"

Harry isn't sure how to answer that. Are they broken up? Harry isn't sure but he thinks they might be. After all, Harry did kick him out and he did tell Louis that he was done. So, he just shrugs.

"What was the fight was about?"

Harry shrugs again.

"Harry, say something, c'mon."

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"Not talking about it doesn't help."

Harry laughs a little, "What are you? A counseler?"

Liam smiles, happy that he made Harry at least laugh, "Maybe. I could be."

Harry rolls his eyes.

"Now, tell me what happened."

Harry sighs, "I-I started thinking-"

"That's never a good thing." Liam teases recieving a glare, "Sorry, continue, Harry."

"It's just...Why hasn't he broken up with Eleanor? We've been together for a long time a-and he hasn't even broken up with her...A-And he says that he loves me but if he did he would've left her."

Liam nods along in understanding, "He does love you though, Harry. You know that.

"Then, why hasn't he left her?"

"Maybe he's scared?" Liam offers.

"Scared of what?"

"Remember how you told me that Louis' parents want him to marry her?" Harry nods, "Maybe he's scared that they'll get mad at him."

"If he loved me then he wouldnt care if they did."

Liam sighs, Harry can be stubborn. "Harry, it's not that easy. Maybe not for him."

Harry stays quiet for a few moments. "I just hate that he's still with her, Li. I'm not saying that he should just go up to her and break up with her on the door but just start getting there. Y'know? I...I dunno...I just want him to try to do that. For me. It's selfish of me. I know."

"I know, H. Well, I don't. But I see where you're coming from. And it's not selfish. Not really." Liam teases, getting Harry to smile, "I agree that he should at least start to try and get to the point of breaking up with Eleanor...Just try and talk to him more about it, yeah?"

"That's if he wants to talk to me...I said a lot of things that just...I shouldn't have said them. I sounded selfish."

Liam sighs, "Just talk to him, okay?"

Harry nods. He really hopes Louis will talk to him.


The only people Louis is willing to talk to are Zayn and Niall. Anyone else who tries just recieves a slammed door to the face. Eleanor kept asking questions about why he was crying and if he was mad at her. So, he locked himself up in his room until Zayn and Niall came.

"I love him so much. Isn't that enough for him?" Louis asks them, knowing they don't have an answer but hoping they do, "Why does he want me to break up with her so badly?"

"Well, why don't you want to break up with her?" Zayn asks back.

"B-Because...I'm not ready to."

"Why not?" Niall asks.

Louis ignores Niall questions, "It's selfish of him to make me break up with her. Its like he's forcing me to come out!" Louis says but he doesn't mean it. He's just angry that Niall and Zayn are ganging up on him instead of agreeing with him.

"Then isn't it selfish of you to make him hide again?" Zayn retorts.

"Lou, c'mon, just tell us why you don't want to break up with her." Niall encourages after sending Zayn a 'You're not helping' look.

"Because," Louis sighs, "What if they hate me?" Louis whispers as his voice breaks and a few tears start welling in his eyes, "They want me to marry her so badly a-and if I break up with her they'll hate me...I just don't want them to be mad at me."

"Your family?" Niall asks. Louis nods.

"Louis, don't date her to make them happy. Do what makes you happy. They aren't the ones dating and having to live with Eleanor, you are. They shouldn't control you like that. Do it for your own happiness and for Harry's because I know you love him and you also want to see him happy." Zayn advises, "Don't let them make your decisions for you."

"What the point of doing it anyway? Harry...Harry isn't going to want me back."

"Lou," Niall sighs, "He loves you. Of course he will. Just talk to him, yeah?"

Louis shrugs, "What if he doesn't want me to talk to him?"

Niall snickers, "Harry? Not want to talk to you? Lou, yes he will."

"I-I...Yeah, okay." Louis nods, "I will."


A/N: Hi! Do you like the new cover?Anyways, happy holidays!

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