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"Hello?" Louis answers his phone but it's an unknown number.

"Louis? 'S this you?" Harry asks.

Louis chuckles, "Yeah, Harry, it's me."

"Oh, hi! Sorry, it took me so long to call I was just um...confused, I guess."

"Yeah? 'Bout what?" Louis asks with a small smile on his face because Harry's voice is just so sweet and relaxing.

"Um, well, um," Harry clears his thoat, "I wanted to call, but I just didn't know what I for?" Harry somewhat explains.

"So, what did you call for?" Louis asks but only to tease Harry.

Harry clears his throat again, "I-I don't exactly, I'm sorry I should've-"

"Harry, I was only joking." Louis laughs, "I just wanted to call me that way I knew you would actually want to to talk to me again."

"Of course, I do. Haven't talked to you in a while. Not even through twitter!"

Louis laughs, "Yeah, I know. Well, anyways, I have a short practice right now so after do you maybe want to go out and eat?"

Louis laughs when he hears a voice in back ground whisper, 'Out on a date?'

Harry whispers back 'I don't know'

'Ask him!'


The voice asks 'Why not?'

'Because he'll think I'm weird!' Harry whisper shouts at the voice.

"Hey, sorry about that but yes of-"

Louis cuts him off, "I wouldn't think you were weird, Y'know? Do you...Would you um want it to be a date?" Louis squeaks out because he's so nervous.

"I...I dunno. I would but...Would you?"

Louis laughs a little, "Yeah, I would."

"So, it's a date?" Harry asks.

Louis confirms, "It's a date."


"You did?!" Peter shouts and the boys all hug him.

"Where are you taking him?" David asks.

"I'm not exactly sure but I'll figure something out."

"Take him to Rogers dad's restaurant! You know he won't say a word and they've got great food!" Mark suggests.

So, L's resteraunt it is!

His teammates tease him as he gets ready. Because he can't find anything to wear and they're all trying to help him.

"Louis, you look great! Don't over think it, okay?" Zayn assures him.

Louis nods and then he hugs Zayn, "What if he doesn't like me?"

"He already likes you, Louis! You'll be fine!" Jack assures him.

Louis takes one last look at himself, "I'm nothing compared to everyone he hangs around with. I can't go."

"Louis," Niall sighs and gives him a great big hug, "You are ten thousand times more compared to everyone he hangs out with! Everything will be okay, I promise. Okay?"

Louis nods. Everything will be okay.


"This place is amazing!" Harry tells Louis after he takes a taste of his spaghetti.

Louis chuckles and leans over, "You've got a bit of sauce." He wipes it off with his thumb. Harry blushes and Louis smiles at him. Harry smiles back.

Then, Harry's smile fade away, "I um...Before we get into this anymore, I wanted to ask you about Eleanor because I don't want to be-"

Louis shakes his head, "She doesn't know I'm out with you right now. No one except the team." Louis tells him.

"So, are you...I don't know what to say really...I just...I don't want you to look like a jerk because of me."

"Harry, I don't like Eleanor. I really really like you and...I don't want you to be uncomfortable with this."

Harry shakes his head, "No, no, it's fine. I just wanted to make sure that if anyone finds out you won't...get mad at me, I guess." Harry tells him.

"Don't worry, Harry." Louis leans foward a bit and then he presses a kiss to Harry's cheek, "We're good?"

Harry smiles at him, "Yeah, we're good."


By the end of the date, their stomachs hurt from laughing so much and they can't seem to wipe off their smiles. It was a great date and Louis had so much fun. More fun than ever before.

He leans foward and he cups Harry's cheek, "'S this okay?" Louis murmurs.

Harry nods and he leans in closer.

Louis presses their lips together but he realizes Harry hasn't done this before when he makes no effort to move them against his.

"I'm sorry." Harry whispers.

"It's fine, Harry." Louis assures him and then he presses their lips together again in a sweet gentle kiss so Harry starts getting the hang of it. He quickly does.

Louis parts away and smiles at Harry, "This was really nice."

Harry nods with a blush. He can't believe he just had his first kiss and it was with Louis Tomlinson!

Louis chuckles and he pulls Harry down for another sweet kiss.

"I'll call you?" Louis asks.

Harry nods, "Yeah."

"Goodnight, Harry."

"Night, Lou." Harry softly closes the door to his apartment and does a happy dance when he's inside.

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