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"Happy birthday, Lou." Harry murmurs in Louis' ear softly.

Louis let's out a tired groan. Harry chuckles and kisses his cheek.

"Time 's it?" Louis mumbles.

"Time for you to get up. I've got the whole day planned out for today."

Louis turns over on the bed to face Harry, "Really?"

Harry nods.

"You know how I have dinner with my family and Eleanor?"

"Yeah, love."

"Do you can come?" Louis asks nervously. "Y-You don't have to b-but if-"

Harry shuts him up with a kiss, "Of course, but are you sure your family won't mind?"

"Who cares if they do? I want you there."

Harry smiles down at him and kisses him, "Good...I'm glad you don't care."

Louis smiles. "So, what do you have planned for the day?"

Harry falls onto his back and then pulls Louis on top of him, "Oh, we'll be doing a few things."

Louis laughs and kisses Harry. Harry turns him over so that he's caging him, "Hazza!"


"Are you almost ready?" Louis asks Harry.

Harry shakes his head, "Almost, babe." Harry straightens out his coat sleeves and fixes his tie.

"How do I look?" Harry asks turning to Louis. His arms out for Louis to get a full view.

"Do a spin." Louis says. He bits the side of his lip as Harry does a 360 degree turn.

Louis hums as he pretends to think it out, "I think it'll do."

Harry chuckles, "Think?"

Louis giggles, pulling Harry close, "Yeah, I think so."

Harry smiles at him and kisses him, "Good. You look amazing."

Louis smiles, "Not as good as you."

"Even better."

Harry sprays on his cologne and fixes his hair before he and Louis head out.

"Nervous?" Louis asks harry.

"To meet your family? Yeah, a little." Harry chuckles.

"You'll be fine. They'll love you."

"Yeah...Maybe next time we see them for your birthday, it's as your boyfriend."

"Hey, it will be." Louis assures him.

Harry smiles at him.

When they arrive at the resturaunt, Louis leads Harry in.

He finds Louis' parents, sisters and Eleanor sitting around the table.

They all stand up, hug Louis and wish him a happy birthday.

"Where were you all day, Lou?" Eleanor asks.

"Just getting ready for tonight." Louis replies, not missing Harry's smirk.

"So, Harry, why'd you decide to join us tonight?" Johannah asks.

"Uh, couldn't miss out on Louis' birthday dinner." Harry says, patting Louis' shoulder.

"Well, I'm glad you could make it."

"I'm just glad I could join you and your lovely family tonight."

Johannah smiles.

Louis smiles at Harry, his hand patting his thigh softly under the table.

Harry smiles back.

Maybe things won't go badly.


"Harry!" Louis laughs as Harry pulls him to his flat. Running through the hallways hand and hand.

Harry struggles to unlock the door but manages to eventually.

He pulls Louis in.

Louis pushes Harry against the wall. his hands on Harry's waist as they kiss. Louis brings his hands up to the back of Harry's neck and tangles his fingers in Harry's curls.

"Lou," Harry murmurs softly, unbuttoning his shirt.

Louis grins as he unbuttons Harry's. "I love you." he breaths out softly.

Harry smiles, "I love you, Louis."


"Yeah." Harry breathes out, his eyes staying connected to Louis.

"Can I show you how much I love you?"

Harry smiles softly, "Yes."


A/N: OH...I can't believe how long it took me to update D: sorry I've been so busy but I'll be updating every weekend now! I also can't believe Harry is 21...yes, cry with me!

I hope he had a great birthday. He deserves it, doesn't he?

Hope you enjoyed the update!

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