Coming Out

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"Hello, Its Ashlyn and Tanya and we're here with the Rover boys outside a Harry Styles concert!"

"So," Tanya turns to the boys, "How are you all?"

"Great! Excited! Looking forward to see Harry in his zone!" Niall answers for the team, "Especially Louis here!"

They laugh and Louis blushes.

"Are you all big fans of Harry like Louis?" Ashlyn asks.

"Yeah, we love his music but we weren't like massive fans until we met him. He's just so genuine and humble. And we're lucky to have someone like him to look up. He's a great role model for everyone. He appreciates every little thing and he just...He's so generous and kind to every single person he meets. I'm going to be honest and say that I thought Harry was a massive jerk and stuck up but I couldn't have been any more wrong! He's so sweet and he's modest because he doesn't take himself seriously!" Peter replies and the team nods along.

"I just want to say and no offense meant to you Louis," Finn tells him and Louis gives him a assuring smile, "The thing is that a lot of people don't see us as one whole team. Team as in all of us, the bench warmers, the crew and the supporters. They see us as 'Louis and the Rovers'. For example Eleanor's tweet that started the Louis versus Brazil trend, it just really hurt all of us to see that. And Louis absolutely hates when people don't acknowledge as a team. And I don't mean to offend Eleanor by this!"

"Then, Harry tweeted out and he did acknowledge us as an entire team, all of us, and when people do that it just makes us all happy and feel like a team where everyone has to put in all their effort for us to win because that is the type of team we are. It's not just one person. It's all of us." Louis adds.

"Yeah, exactly. The Rovers aren't the Rovers with out Louis just like the Rovers aren't the Rovers with out one of us." Jack says and the team nods along.

"Well, it looks like we have some Stylist for life, right?"

"Yeah, defenitely! You'll surely see us a lot more often at Harry's concerts!"


@TheETeam: @Harry_Styles check out our jerseys for the next game!

They post up a picture that have 'The Rover Stylists' printed on the front.

@Harry_Styles in reply to @TheETeam: Amazing jerseys! Better wear 'em or I'll be disappointed!

@TheETeam in reply to @Harry_Styles: We wouldn't lie to you! No one wants to see you sad because as Niall says your 'too cute!' -The Rover Stylists

@Harry_Styles in reply to @TheETeam: Good! Excited to you in them!!! (:


"Boys! Boys!" The paparrazi shout as a few of the team members walk down the street.

"Jack, just one question! Elounor or Larry?!" One of them shouts getting the others to ask.

The boys laugh and shake their heads.

"Eleanor or Harry?"

Jack looks at Niall and laughs, "If it were our choice, we'd all chose Harry." Niall laughs and nods.

"It's like asking win or lose." Nathan tells Jack, "Harry being the win."

Finn coughs out obnoxiously, "We all like Harry better."

The boys laugh and high five each other thinking no one heard.

"Are Louis and Eleanor happy together?!"

"Are Louis and Eleanor happy together?" Zayn repeats after the paparrazi, "Sure they are."

Niall laughs and asks Peter 'quietly', "But are we happy they're together?"

"Definitely not." Peter answers back to Niall and the boys laugh again thinking they're being sneaky.

"ELOUNOR!" Peter shouts.

"Sucks." Nathan laughs.


"What was all that about?" Louis asks the boys when they get back, "Elounor sucks?"

"Shit. Louis, I swear we didn't mean it! We didn't even say it out loud!" Nathan tells him.

"I know, I know. You can barely hear it." Louis sighs, "But one of the paparrazi a was wearing a mic and they caught everything you said."

"Lou, we're so sorry. We were only messing around!" Peter promises.

Louis looks at Niall and Zayn and they nod. He sits down Jack, Finn, Nathan, and Peter.

"Why don't you like Eleanor?" Louis asks.

Finn shrugs, "She's kind of a jerk to us. And she always excludes us from the team." Finn tells him and it's funny to see because Louis is the youngest on the team and he cares for the older lads like their his own.

Louis bites down on his lip and he starts crying. The rest of the team comes inside from practicing outside.

Louis feels a warm hand on his back, "What is it, Lou?" Peter asks.

Louis shakes his head and he starts crying a little harder. What if they don't accept him like Niall and Zayn did? What if they hate him?


"What is it, Louis?" Ed asks with an assuring tone.

"I'm...I'm gay." Louis whispers like it's something to be ashamed out.

The whole room goes down in silence.

Then, Jack holds Louis in a hug. Sometimes they forget he's the baby of the team and that he looks up to them. Maybe they haven't given him that assurance and confidence to tell them about personal things like this. They're all supposed to be like his dad's and take care of him because after all he is the youngest and the one who's exploited the most.

The rest of the team joins in on the hug and Louis feels a thousand times better because they still love him.

Even the bench warmers join in on the hug.

They all give him reassurance that they still love him and accept him.


"So, is Eleanor a beard?" Peter asks once they've all settled down in the living room of Eric's home. The oldest members of the team, David and Mark, sit beside Louis and they both cuddle him because they remember how fun it used to be when he first joined the team but then they forgot about how young he was and how he still needs that love because he's never gotten much before.

"Yeah, I guess. She doesn't know that but she is."

"Oh, what about your family?" Eric asks.

Louis shakes his head, "I've known Eleanor for all my life and our parents are great friends and they always set up dates for us because they think we're perfect for each other." Louis answers, "I wanted to come out to them but I don't them to hate me because I don't like or love Eleanor." Louis looks down at his shaky hands, "They want me to propose to her." He whispers.

"What? When?" David asks.

"At one of our big games. By next year." Louis starts crying again and David hugs him and let's him cry. "They already started planning the wedding." Louis hiccups out, "Spent thousands of dollars to clear out a field down in Donny."

"Lou, I promise that we'll all help you figure something out, ok? You won't marry her, alright?"

Louis sniffles and nods. Hopefully they keep that promise.


A/N: I hope I don't come off as hating on Eleanor because it is not my intention (:

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