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Harry and Louis have been together for a few months now. They've grown closer and continue to grow closer and fall harder everyday.

Louis: Are you busy today babe?

Harry: No not really

Harry: I had a shoot today but they moved it 2 next week

Harry: I wanna see you

Harry: I miss you

Louis: come to the stadium, yeah? I'll pick you up

Louis: I miss you too babe :( even though I saw you yesterday

Harry: yeah, I'll get ready (:

Harry: yesterday seems like so long ago!

Louis: idiot go get ready! .xx

Harry: Going xx

••••• ••••• ••••• •••••

"Harry, let go of me you banana eating monster!" Louis shouts out in a giggle.

"No! Never!" Harry keeps running around the field as Louis shouts for him to let him down.

They both end up like laughing messes on the floor. Louis lays ontop of Harry, resting his head on his chest as he laughs so he feels the vibrations in Harry's chest. He looks up at Harry with a smile. His eyes look so green. Greener than the grass they lay on. They're gorgeous. His smile is so beautiful and captivating. Everything about Harry is beautiful. His laugh, his smile, his eyes, his curls, even his four nipples. Everything.

"You're so beautiful. God, I got so lucky to have you. Everything about you is perfect to me. I love you. I love everything about you. I love how you talk and how when you tell your stories you can take hours but I'll still be listening. And your smile, God, your smile. It's so bright and beautiful. I wish you could always be smiling. That way I can also see your dimples. If anything I've fallen hardest for this dimple." Louis moves a strand of hair out of his face, "These curls are always crazy and everywhere but I love them. A lot. What I love most about you is pretty much everything." Louis chuckles, "But your eyes, your eyes are so goregous and beautiful. When I look into them I see all of you. I see your past and all of your mistakes and all of your 'flaws'. I also see a future. Maybe it's to early to be saying this but it's not just your future I see. It's ours." Louis confesses.

Harry grins at him, "'S not to early for me." Harry presses their lips together in a kiss. It just feels so right and better now that Louis' confessed. Harry parts away, "I love you too." They kiss again, "A lot more than you could ever love me."

Louis smiles, "That's impossible."

Harry sighs happily, "If you say so, babe." Harry kisses him again, murmuring sweet things to Louis inbetween.

"I know I said already but I love you. I love you so much, Lou." Harry murmurs.

"I love you, haz." Louis whispers resting his head on Harry's chest, continuing to lay on him. Everything feels perfect. Louis wishes they could stay like this forever but he settles with just having right now because it's just as good as long as it's with Harry.


A/N: hope you like it :D do you prefer mpreg Louis or Harry?

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