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"How'd it go?!" Liam shouts to Harry over the phone.

Harry groans, "You couldn't wait a couple hours to ask? It's five am!"

"I know, sorry." Liam says with a guilty tone, "But you didn't call like you said you would and I just really wanted to know!"

Harry rolls his eyes, "Good...It went really good..."

"I'm happy for you, Harry. He seems like a nice guy."

"He is a nice guy...he's really sweet and funny..."

Liam stays quiet, "You're not telling me something, Harry...What is it?"

"Um...I...its nothing." Harry assures him.

"It's not nothing! If that bastard hurt you-"

Harry cuts off Liam's yelling, "No, no. Of course not. He isn't like that!" Harry assures Liam.

"Then tell me what your keeping!"

"I...We um we k-kissed."

Liam coos, "How was it?"

Harry blushes, "It was great...he even asked me if he could kiss me and he was really sweet."

Liam coos again, "My baby's growing up!"

Harry rolls his eyes again, "'M not a baby! Idiot!"

Liam chuckles, "Go to sleep, sweetie. You're grumpy when your tired!"

"I hate you. Goodnight."

"Love you too, pumpkin."


Louis is woken up by two excited yelling adults.

Louis groans and pulls a pillow over his head, "Shut up!"

"How'd it go, Louis?!" Niall asks.

"None of your buisness." Louis replies.

"Please, Lou! Did you like him?"

Louis sighs, knowing he won't get them to leave him alone until he tells them something.

"Of course I like him! He's really nice and cute." Louis tells them. His throat is dry and killing him when he talks.

He sits up, stretches his arms and walks to the kitchen to grab some water. Niall and Zayn follow.

"Is he funny?" Niall asks, "I know how much you love yourself funny guys."

"Yes, he's got a great sense of humor." Louis grabs a water bottle and takes a long drink, "It was the best date I've ever been on. He has a lot of great stories to tell and he just makes everything so intresting..." Louis pauses to take another drink of water. Then he starts walking back to his room with Niall and Zayn following him again.

He doesn't let them in his room by standing in the door way, "And guess what?"

"What?!" Niall asks.

"We kissed." Louis quickly closes the door. Niall and Zayn knock on the door asking more questions about the kiss.

Louis rolls his eyes and murmurs, "Idiots."


The next time, Louis calls Harry.

Harry happily agrees to another date as long as he chooses the place. But he knows he would've agreed even if he didn't get to choose.

Louis picks Harry up who's in a purple t-shirt and white shorts which is big difference than what he usually wears.

Louis pretends to be excited when Harry takes them to a golf course.

He's still excited to be on a date with Harry but not so excited for golfing.

It's so boring.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Harry tells him as he takes Louis' hand in his own. Louis smiles at that but then remember he has to golf.


It's actually not that bad.

Harry does make it fun.

Plus, he's such an adorable dork when he does tricks with the golf club and messes up.

"Your turn, Lou!" Harry hands him the club.

Louis blushes, "I don't know how to golf."

Harry eyes him suspiciously, "You're not just saying that so I can help you, right?" Harry asks jokingly.

Louis laughs, "Maybe."

Harry smiles and he comes up to Louis.

He comes up behind Louis and places his hands over Louis'.

He's so close that Louis can hardly breathe.

"Alright, just a light swing back and then forward." Harry instructs.

Louis turns his head slightly to kiss Harry.

"What was that for?" Harry asks with a smile.

"Being cute."

Harry chuckles and he kisses Louis, "Now stop kissing and pay attention!" Harry teases.

Louis doesn't hit it very hard but Harry still kisses him for the effort.

Golf is definitely his favorite sport now.

Rather Be - Larry Stylinson mpregWhere stories live. Discover now